References to Other Books
Direct References
The Maid's Tragedy
"Since I can do no good because a woman, Reach constantly at something that is near it. —The Maid's Tragedy: BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.
Don Quixote
'Dime; no ves aquel caballero que hacia nosotros viene sobre un caballo rucio rodado que trae puesto en la cabeza un yelmo de oro?' 'Lo que veo y columbro,' respondio Sancho, 'no es sino un hombre sobre un as no pardo como el mio, que trae sobre la cabeza una cosa que relumbra.' 'Pues ese es el yelmo de Mambrino,' dijo Don Quijote.
Agricultural Chemistry
"I am reading the Agricultural Chemistry," said this excellent baronet, "because I am going to take one of the farms into my own hands, and see if something cannot be done in setting a good pattern of farming among my tenants. Do you approve of that, Miss Brooke?"
The Wealth of Nations
"Young ladies don't understand political economy, you know," said Mr. Brooke, smiling towards Mr. Casaubon. "I remember when we were all reading Adam Smith. There is a book, now. I took in all the new ideas at one time—human perfectibility, now."
Paradise Lost
"Say, goddess, what ensued, when Raphael, The affable archangel . . . Eve The story heard attentive, and was filled With admiration, and deep muse, to hear Of things so high and strange." —Paradise Lost, B. vii.
The Works of Aristotle
I have insisted to him on what Aristotle has stated with admirable brevity, that for the achievement of any work regarded as an end there must be a prior exercise of many energies or acquired facilities of a secondary order, demanding patience.
But then Ophelia had probably known Hamlet a long while;
The Pirate
and Brenda Troil—she had known Mordaunt Merton ever since they were children;
The Pirate
and Minna was still more deeply in love with Cleveland, who was a stranger.
Waverley was new to Flora MacIvor; but then she did not fall in love with him.
if it were Rasselas or Gulliver, so much the better
The Bible
or the Bible with the Apocrypha in it
He had brought the last "Keepsake," the gorgeous watered-silk publication which marked modern progress at that time; and he considered himself very fortunate that he could be the first to look over it with her.
It was all very well to look pale, sitting for the portrait of Aquinas, you know—we got your letter just in time. But Aquinas, now—he was a little too subtle, wasn't he? Does anybody read Aquinas?
Anne of Geierstein
opened a book which lay there and read the title aloud with pompous emphasis as if he were offering it for sale: 'Anne of Geierstein' (pronounced Jeersteen) or the 'Maiden of the Mist, by the author of Waverley.'
I have bought one of his works myself—a very nice thing, a very superior publication, entitled 'Ivanhoe.'
Arabian Nights
Ideal happiness (of the kind known in the Arabian Nights, in which you are invited to step from the labor and discord of the street into a paradise where everything is given to you and nothing claimed)
I can't help people's ignorance and spite, any more than Vesalius could.
His name was Vesalius. And the only way he could get to know anatomy as he did, was by going to snatch bodies at night, from graveyards and places of execution.
So had Vesalius, Rosy. No wonder the medical fogies in Middlemarch are jealous, when some of the greatest doctors living were fierce upon Vesalius because they had believed in Galen, and he showed that Galen was wrong.
There was a little heap of them on the table in the bow-window—of various sorts, from Herodotus, which she was learning to read with Mr. Casaubon, to her old companion Pascal, and Keble's 'Christian Year.'
Christian Year
There was a little heap of them on the table in the bow-window—of various sorts, from Herodotus, which she was learning to read with Mr. Casaubon, to her old companion Pascal, and Keble's 'Christian Year.'
The Rambler
'Observation with extensive view,' must look everywhere, 'from China to Peru,' as somebody says—Johnson, I think, 'The Rambler,' you know.
The volume was 'Ivanhoe,' and Jim was in the great archery scene at the tournament.
Henry V
"And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot, To mark the full-fraught man and best indued With some suspicion." —Henry V.
The Pilgrim's Progress
Now, I saw in my dream, that just as they had ended their talk, they drew nigh to a very miry slough, that was in the midst of the plain; and they, being heedless, did both fall suddenly into the bog. The name of the slough was Despond.
Pilgrim's Progress
"Then went the jury out whose names were Mr. Blindman, Mr. Nogood, Mr. Malice, Mr. Love-lust, Mr. Live-loose, Mr. Heady, Mr. Highmind, Mr. Enmity, Mr. Liar, Mr. Cruelty, Mr. Hate-light, Mr. Implacable, who every one gave in his private verdict against him among themselves, and afterwards unanimously concluded to bring him in guilty before the judge."—Pilgrim's Progress.
Stories of Great Men, taken from Plutarch
But when Mary wrote a little book for her boys, called "Stories of Great Men, taken from Plutarch," and had it printed and published by Gripp & Co., Middlemarch, every one in the town was willing to give the credit of this work to Fred, observing that he had been to the University, "where the ancients were studied," and might have been a clergyman if he had chosen.
Indirect References
The Key to All Mythologies
and especially to consider them in the light of their fitness for the author of a "Key to all Mythologies,"
Tom Jones
But Fielding lived when the days were longer
The Works of Bichat
the brief and glorious career of Bichat, who died when he was only one-and-thirty, but, like another Alexander, left a realm large enough for many heirs.
"But Sir Walter Scott—I suppose Mr. Lydgate knows him," said young Plymdale, a little cheered by this advantage.
Raspail and others are on the same track, and I have been losing time.
Mr. Brooke always ended by agreeing with Ladislaw, who still appeared to him a sort of Burke with a leaven of Shelley
Supper at Emmaus
It is a painting of the Italian school—by the celebrated Guydo, the greatest painter in the world
Dr. Ware's abundant experience in America
the whole argument, which had lately been much stirred by the publication of Dr. Ware's abundant experience in America, as to the right way of treating cases of alcoholic poisoning such as this.
Places Referenced
Oxford, England
the expensive and highly rarefied medical instruction obtained by graduates of Oxford and Cambridge
Avila, Spain
Out they toddled from rugged Avila, wide-eyed and helpless-looking as two fawns, but with human hearts, already beating to a national idea; until domestic reality met them in the shape of uncles, and turned them back from their great resolve.
Tipton, England
Her mind was theoretic, and yearned by its nature after some lofty conception of the world which might frankly include the parish of Tipton and her own rule of conduct there; she was enamoured of intensity and greatness, and rash in embracing whatever seemed to her to have those aspects;
Lausanne, Switzerland
and they had both been educated, since they were about twelve years old and had lost their parents, on plans at once narrow and promiscuous, first in an English family and afterwards in a Swiss family at Lausanne, their bachelor uncle and guardian trying in this way to remedy the disadvantages of their orphaned condition.
Mrs. Cadwallader the Rector's wife, and the small group of gentry with whom he visited in the northeast corner of Loamshire.
Cambridge, England
I was at Cambridge when Wordsworth was there, and I never met him—and I dined with him twenty years afterwards at Cartwright's.
Dorothea said to herself that Mr. Casaubon was the most interesting man she had ever seen, not excepting even Monsieur Liret, the Vaudois clergyman who had given conferences on the history of the Waldenses.
London, England
asked whether Miss Brooke disliked London.
"Look here—here is all about Greece. Rhamnus, the ruins of Rhamnus—you are a great Grecian, now. I don't know whether you have given much study to the topography. I spent no end of time in making out these things—Helicon, now. Here, now!—'We started the next morning for Parnassus, the double-peaked Parnassus.' All this volume is about Greece, you know,"
Everybody, he assured her, was well off in Lowick: not a cottager in those double cottages at a low rent but kept a pig, and the strips of garden at the back were well tended.
The poor folks here might have a fowl in their pot, as the good French king used to wish for all his people. The French eat a good many fowls—skinny fowls, you know.
"Shall you let him go to Italy, or wherever else he wants to go?"
Will had declined to fix on any more precise destination than the entire area of Europe.
Rome, Italy
The season was mild enough to encourage the project of extending the wedding journey as far as Rome, and Mr. Casaubon was anxious for this because he wished to inspect some manuscripts in the Vatican.
Vatican, Rome, Italy
The season was mild enough to encourage the project of extending the wedding journey as far as Rome, and Mr. Casaubon was anxious for this because he wished to inspect some manuscripts in the Vatican.
Paris, France
However, I think he is likely to be first-rate—has studied in Paris, knew Broussais; has ideas, you know—wants to raise the profession.
Rome, Italy
Not long after that dinner-party she had become Mrs. Casaubon, and was on her way to Rome.
My brother Solomon tells me it's the talk up and down in Middlemarch how unsteady young Vincy is, and has been forever gambling at billiards since home he came.
Lowick parish church
—and why was there a Lowick parish church, and the Waules and Powderells all sitting in the same pew for generations, and the Featherstone pew next to them, if, the Sunday after her brother Peter's death, everybody was to know that the property was gone out of the family?
It's pretty good authority, I think—a man who knows most of what goes on in Middlemarch.
London, England
he carried to his studies in London, Edinburgh, and Paris
Edinburgh, Scotland
he carried to his studies in London, Edinburgh, and Paris
Paris, France
he carried to his studies in London, Edinburgh, and Paris
Paris, France
He went to study in Paris with the determination that when he provincial home again he would settle in some provincial town as a general practitioner.
London, England
He would keep away from the range of London intrigues, jealousies, and social truckling, and win celebrity, however slowly, as Jenner had done, by the independent value of his work.
Cambridge, England
the expensive and highly rarefied medical instruction obtained by graduates of Oxford and Cambridge
we are apt to think it the finest era of the world when America was beginning to be discovered
Paris, France
he had thought of joining the Saint Simonians when he was in Paris, in order to turn them against some of their own doctrines.
Paris, France
It happened when he was studying in Paris, and just at the time when, over and above his other work, he was occupied with some galvanic experiments.
Porte Saint Martin, Paris, France
and went to finish his evening at the theatre of the Porte Saint Martin, where there was a melodrama which he had already seen several times
Lyons, France
and it was not long before Lydgate gathered indications that Laure had taken the route to Lyons.
Avignon, France
He found her at last acting with great success at Avignon under the same name
Paris, France
Papa is sure to insist on my singing. But I shall tremble before you, who have heard the best singers in Paris.
London, England
I have heard very little: I have only once been to London.
I pass at Middlemarch. I am not afraid of talking to our old neighbors.
"You mean the rides towards Tipton and Lowick; every one is pleased with those," said Rosamond, with simplicity.
"You mean the rides towards Tipton and Lowick; every one is pleased with those," said Rosamond, with simplicity.
Paris, France
because he had known Louis in Paris, and had followed many anatomical demonstrations
Paris, France
You remember Trawley who shared your apartment at Paris for some time?
but came with a libellous pretension to experience in Edinburgh and Paris
but came with a libellous pretension to experience in Edinburgh and Paris
When George the Fourth was still reigning over the privacies of Windsor
Mr. Vincy was mayor of the old corporation in Middlemarch
Mrs. Casaubon, born Dorothea Brooke, had taken her wedding journey to Rome
had just turned his back on the Belvedere Torso in the Vatican
Vatican, Rome
Mr. Casaubon was certain to remain away for some time at the Vatican.
Rome, Italy
Dorothea had now been five weeks in Rome, and in the kindly mornings when autumn and winter seemed to go hand in hand like a happy aged couple one of whom would presently survive in chiller loneliness, she had driven about at first with Mr. Casaubon, but of late chiefly with Tantripp and their experienced courier.
Campagna, Rome
She had ended by oftenest choosing to drive out to the Campagna where she could feel alone with the earth and sky, away-from the oppressive masquerade of ages, in which her own life too seemed to become a masque with enigmatical costumes.
St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
Dorothea all her life continued to see the vastness of St. Peter's, the huge bronze canopy, the excited intention in the attitudes and garments of the prophets and evangelists in the mosaics above, and the red drapery which was being hung for Christmas spreading itself everywhere like a disease of the retina.
Rome, Italy
But now, since they had been in Rome, with all the depths of her emotion roused to tumultuous activity, and with life made a new problem by new elements, she had been becoming more and more aware, with a certain terror, that her mind was continually sliding into inward fits of anger and repulsion, or else into forlorn weariness.
Farnesina, Rome, Italy
"Should you like to go to the Farnesina, Dorothea? It contains celebrated frescos designed or painted by Raphael, which most persons think it worth while to visit."
Rome, Italy
Among the sights of Europe, that of Rome has ever been held one of the most striking and in some respects edifying.
Rome, Italy
I was not aware that you and Mr. Casaubon were in Rome, until this morning, when I saw you in the Vatican Museum.
Vatican Museum, Rome, Italy
I was not aware that you and Mr. Casaubon were in Rome, until this morning, when I saw you in the Vatican Museum.
Library of the Vatican, Rome, Italy
He goes to read in the Library of the Vatican every day, and you can hardly see him except by an appointment.
Frankfort, Germany
I have been seeing a great deal of the German artists here: I travelled from Frankfort with one of them.
Most of those who saw Fred riding out of Middlemarch in company with Bambridge and Horrock, on his way of course to Houndsley horse-fair, thought that young Vincy was pleasure-seeking as usual;
Most of those who saw Fred riding out of Middlemarch in company with Bambridge and Horrock, on his way of course to Houndsley horse-fair, thought that young Vincy was pleasure-seeking as usual;
Red Lion
to arrive with them at Houndsley on a drizzling afternoon, to get down at the Red Lion in a street shaded with coal-dust, and dine in a room furnished with a dirt-enamelled map of the county,
Green Dragon
But a slight infusion of Mr. Bambridge was felt to give tone and character to several circles in Middlemarch; and he was a distinguished figure in the bar and billiardroom at the Green Dragon.
Rome, Italy
"Cincinnatus, I am sure, would have been sorry to see his daughter behave so."
Stone Court
Fred Vincy wanted to arrive at Stone Court when Mary could not expect him, and when his uncle was not down-stairs in that case she might be sitting alone in the wainscoted parlor.
Rome, Italy
"Do you think it nice to go to Rome on a wedding journey?" said Celia, with her ready delicate blush which Dorothea was used to on the smallest occasions.
Bath, England
And Lady Chettam says she went to Bath.
Stone Court
On the eleventh day, however, Lydgate when leaving Stone Court was requested by Mrs. Vincy to let her husband know that there was a marked change in Mr. Featherstone's health.
Stone Court
He came again in the evening to speak with Mr. Vincy, who, just returned from Stone Court, was feeling sure that it would not be long before he heard of Mr. Featherstone's demise.
St. Peter's, Rome
just as the vision of St. Peter's at Rome was inwoven with moods of despondency.
I suppose they are legatees from a distance, or from Middlemarch.
Tipton and Freshitt
And one of those who suck the life out of the wretched handloom weavers in Tipton and Freshitt.
The residue of the property was to be devoted to the erection and endowment of almshouses for old men, to be called Featherstone's Alms-Houses, and to be built on a piece of land near Middlemarch already bought for the purpose by the testator, he wishing—so the document declared—to please God Almighty.
"Here is a letter from Clemmens of Brassing tied with the will. He drew it up. A very respectable solicitor."
And happening the next day to accompany a patient to Brassing, he saw a dinner-service there which struck him as so exactly the right thing that he bought it at once.
Lydgate also, finding that his sum of eight hundred pounds had been considerably reduced since he had come to Middlemarch, restrained his inclination for some plate of an old pattern which was shown to him when he went into Kibble's establishment at Brassing to buy forks and spoons.
"You were constantly at his house at Quallingham, when you were a boy, were you not? I should so like to see the old spot and everything you were used to."
"I shall go to the school at York," said Mary.
It was from Sir James Chettam, offering to Mr. Garth the management of the family estates at Freshitt and elsewhere.
Sir James had been requested by Mr. Brooke of Tipton to ascertain whether Mr. Garth would be disposed at the same time to resume the agency of the Tipton property.
Bott's corner
And I'll lay a wager we can get fine bricks out of the clay at Bott's corner.
He was fortunate enough when he got on to the highroad to be overtaken by the stage-coach, which carried him to Brassing; and there he took the new-made railway.
Lowick Manor
One of the professional calls made by Lydgate soon after his return from his wedding-journey was to Lowick Manor, in consequence of a letter which had requested him to fix a time for his visit.
What the opposition in Middlemarch said about the New Hospital and its administration had certainly a great deal of echo in it.
Parley Street
Dr. Lydgate meant to let the people die in the Hospital, if not to poison them, for the sake of cutting them up without saying by your leave or with your leave; for it was a known 'fac' that he had wanted to cut up Mrs. Goby, as respectable a woman as any in Parley Street.
Slaughter Lane
Mrs. Dollop, the landlady of the Tankard in Slaughter Lane.
Oxygen! nobody knows what that may be—is it any wonder the cholera has got to Dantzic?
Paris, France
Lydgate was to be chief medical superintendent, that he might have free authority to pursue all comparative investigations which his studies, particularly in Paris, had shown him the importance of
we'll get Webbe from Crabsley, as good a country practitioner as any of them, to come over twice a-week
Protheroe will come from Brassing
Mr. Brooke of Tipton has already given me his concurrence, and a pledge to contribute yearly
Parley Street
quickly spreading beyond Parley Street, where that lady had long resided
Then he got shipwrecked just as he was coming from Jerusalem to take a great chair at Padua.
Then he got shipwrecked just as he was coming from Jerusalem to take a great chair at Padua.
And your cousins at Quallingham all think that you have sunk below them in your choice of a profession.
While Lydgate, safely married and with the Hospital under his command, felt himself struggling for Medical Reform against Middlemarch, Middlemarch was becoming more and more conscious of the national struggle for another kind of Reform.
Dorothea did at last appear on this quaint background, walking up the short aisle in her white beaver bonnet and gray cloak—the same she had worn in the Vatican.
or a dialogue with a Middlemarch voter, from which he came away with a sense that he was a tactician by nature
Cape of Good Hope
Such a thing as a vote, now: why, it may help to make men's fortunes at the Cape
had never thought of Mr. Brooke as a neighbor, and were not more attached to him than if he had been sent in a box from London.
a political personage from Brassing, who came to tell Middlemarch its duty
Gentlemen—Electors of Middlemarch!
I've been in the Levant, where some of your Middlemarch goods go
and then, again, in the Baltic. The Baltic, now.
Mr. Bulstrode, when he was hoping to acquire a new interest in Lowick, had naturally had an especial wish that the new clergyman should be one whom he thoroughly approved;
Stone Court
just about the time when he came in possession of the deeds which made him the proprietor of Stone Court, Mr. Farebrother 'read himself' into the quaint little church and preached his first sermon to the congregation of farmers, laborers, and village artisans.
Stone Court
It was not that Mr. Bulstrode intended to frequent Lowick Church or to reside at Stone Court for a good while to come: he had bought the excellent farm and fine homestead simply as a retreat which he might gradually enlarge as to the land and beautify as to the dwelling,
Garden of Eden
A strong leading in this direction seemed to have been given in the surprising facility of getting Stone Court, when every one had expected that Mr. Rigg Featherstone would have clung to it as the Garden of Eden.
North Quay
Joshua himself was thinking that the moment now was not far off when he should settle on the North Quay with the best appointments in safes and locks.
Chalky Flats
Sister Martha receiving the news in the Chalky Flats said, 'Dear, dear! then the Almighty could have been none so pleased with the almshouses after all.'
At this moment Mr. Bulstrode felt as if the sunshine were all one with that of far-off evenings when he was a very young man and used to go out preaching beyond Highbury.
a man whose acquaintance with Bulstrode seemed to imply passages in the banker's life so unlike anything that was known of him in Middlemarch
Stone Court
It was not more than half-past seven in the morning when he again reached Stone Court.
"May I ask why you returned from America?"
New York, USA
Things went confoundedly with me in New York; those Yankees are cool hands, and a man of gentlemanly feelings has no chance with them.
London, England
I thought you were trading and praying away in London still, and didn't find you there.
He preferred using his time in pleasant conversation with the bailiff and the housekeeper, from whom he gathered as much as he wanted to know about Mr. Bulstrode's position in Middlemarch.
Lowick Manor
So by the end of June the shutters were all opened at Lowick Manor, and the morning gazed calmly into the library...
Poor thing! she did not even know whether Will Ladislaw was still at Middlemarch, and there was no one whom she dared to ask...
Lowick Parsonage
The evening that Fred Vincy walked to Lowick parsonage.
I'll drive you and Louisa to Riverston to-morrow.
the future looked bright with letters and visits to and from Quallingham
the important guest was gone to Loamford to see some brother officers stationed there
Green Dragon
Captain Lydgate, who had ordered his man with two horses to follow him and put up at the 'Green Dragon'
moreover she was riveting the connection with the family at Quallingham, which must be a wise thing to do.
Halsell wood
But the gentle gray, unprepared for the crash of a tree that was being felled on the edge of Halsell wood, took fright, and caused a worse fright to Rosamond, leading finally to the loss of her baby.
Lydgate's preeminence in Middlemarch society, and could go on imaginatively tracing still more agreeable social effects when his talent should have advanced him;
Other prints, and afterwards some paintings, were sold to leading Middlemarchers who had come with a special desire for them
At length the 'Supper at Emmaus' was brought forward, to Wills immense relief
an eminent though young member of a Calvinistic dissenting church at Highbury
Paris, France
He had looked on at a great deal of gambling in Paris, watching it as if it had been a disease.
London, England
If he had been in London or Paris at that time, it is probable that such thoughts, seconded by opportunity, would have taken him into a gambling-house, no longer to watch the gamblers, but to watch with them in kindred eagerness.
It was generally known in Middlemarch that a good deal of money was lost and won in this way; and the consequent repute of the Green Dragon as a place of dissipation naturally heightened in some quarters the temptation to go there.
He was not only excited with his play, but visions were gleaming on him of going the next day to Brassing, where there was gambling on a grander scale to be had, and where, by one powerful snatch at the devil's bait, he might carry it off without the hook, and buy his rescue from his daily solicitings.
London, England
And since its appearance near London, we may well besiege the Mercy-seat for our protection
Yorkshire, England
'I am going into Yorkshire with Sir James and Lady Chettam; and the conclusions I come to about some land which I am to see there may affect my power of contributing to the Hospital.'
I came to call you thus early, Mr. Raffles, because I have ordered the carriage to be ready at half-past seven, and intend myself to conduct you as far as Ilsely, where you can either take the railway or await a coach.
if you return to Middlemarch, if you use your tongue in a manner injurious to me, you will have to live on such fruits as your malice can bring you, without help from me.
Blindman's Court
Mr. Bulstrode, like every one else who knew Caleb, was used to his slowness in beginning to speak on any topic which he felt to be important, and rather expected that he was about to recur to the buying of some houses in Blindman's Court, for the sake of pulling them down, as a sacrifice of property which would be well repaid by the influx of air and light on that spot.
Stone Court
"I have just come away from Stone Court, Mr. Bulstrode."
if he had not told the truth in saying that he had come straight from Liverpool because he was ill and had no money.
This was crumpled up with a hand-bill about a horse-fair in one of his tail-pockets, and represented the cost of three days' stay at an inn at Bilkley, where the fair was held—a town at least forty miles from Middlemarch.
foreshadowed what was soon to be loudly spoken of in Middlemarch as a necessary 'putting of two and two together.'
Slaughter Lane
Mrs. Dollop, the spirited landlady of the Tankard in Slaughter Lane
Lowick churchyard
though dead he lies in Lowick churchyard sure enough
Lowick Parsonage
had been carried to Lowick Parsonage on one side and to Tipton Grange on the other
Tipton Grange
had been carried to Lowick Parsonage on one side and to Tipton Grange on the other
having now made up his mind that he need not quit Middlemarch
"We will make a journey to Cheltenham in the course of a month or two," he had said to his wife.
A meeting was to be held in the Town-Hall on a sanitary question
and associating this with some new urgency on Lydgate to make immediate arrangements for leaving Middlemarch and going to London
and associating this with some new urgency on Lydgate to make immediate arrangements for leaving Middlemarch and going to London
Lydgate's house
would certainly not have been as well for those three who were on one hearth in Lydgate's house at half-past seven that evening.
No; for some reason or other she preferred staying at Lowick.
Should she order the carriage and drive to Tipton?
The day before, she had taken long walks outside the grounds, and had paid two visits to the Parsonage;
and fix her total darkness about the Chalybes firmly on the shores of the Euxine.
make herself finally sure that Paphlagonia was not on the Levantine coast,
Do you mind about my having the carriage to go to, Lowick, James?
I am going to London," said Dorothea.
He had gained an excellent practice, alternating, according to the season, between London and a Continental bathing-place; having written a treatise on Gout, a disease which has a good deal of wealth on its side.