The Head
Espinoza, meanwhile, pulled Archimboldi’s latest novel, The Head, out of his bag and started to go over the notes he had written in the margins.
Berthe Morisot
Pelletier opened a book on the work of Berthe Morisot, the first woman impressionist, but soon he felt like hurling it against the wall.
The Berlin Underworld
Three years ago, when he was the head of a publishing house, before he became one of the top cultural officials in the new government, he had tried to publish The Berlin Underworld, but the rights already belonged to a house in Barcelona.
Stevenson's Grave
Marcel Schwob, whose health was equally fragile, had set off in 1901 on a more difficult trip to visit Stevenson’s grave on an island in the Pacific.
The Endless Rose
When Amalfitano told them he had translated The Endless Rose for an Argentinian publishing house in 1974, the critics’ opinion of him changed.
The Leather Mask
He had come into contact with Archimboldi’s work, as far as he could recall, at the age of twenty, when he read The Endless Rose, The Leather Mask, and Rivers of Europe in German, books he borrowed from a library in Santiago.
Rivers of Europe
He had come into contact with Archimboldi’s work, as far as he could recall, at the age of twenty, when he read The Endless Rose, The Leather Mask, and Rivers of Europe in German, books he borrowed from a library in Santiago.
The Endless Rose
When the critics wanted to know whether the translation of The Endless Rose had been his idea or an assignment, Amalfitano said that as far as he remembered, it had been the Argentinian publisher’s idea.
The Endless Rose
As far as he knew, it had been a pirate edition, although the possibility didn’t occur to him till much later and he couldn’t say for sure.
At the hotel, stretched out on a deck chair beside the empty pool, Pelletier was reading, and Espinoza knew, even before he saw the title, that it wasn’t Saint Thomas or The Blind Woman, but another book by Archimboldi. When he sat down next to Pelletier he could see it was Lethaea
The Blind Woman
At the hotel, when he got back, Pelletier was always on the terrace or at the pool or sprawled in an armchair in one of the lounges, rereading Saint Thomas or The Blind Woman or Lethaea, which were, it seemed, the only books by Archimboldi he’d brought with him to Mexico.
At the hotel, when he got back, Pelletier was always on the terrace or at the pool or sprawled in an armchair in one of the lounges, rereading Saint Thomas or The Blind Woman or Lethaea, which were, it seemed, the only books by Archimboldi he’d brought with him to Mexico.
Testamento geométrico
The book was Rafael Dieste’s Testamento geométrico, published by Ediciones del Castro in La Coruña, in 1975, a book evidently about geometry, a subject that meant next to nothing to Amalfitano, divided into three parts, the first an 'Introduction to Euclid, Lobachevsky and Riemann,' the second concerning 'The Geometry of Motion,' and the third titled 'Three Proofs of the V Postulate.'
Testamento geométrico
And then he looked at Dieste’s book, the Testamento geométrico, hanging impassively from the line, held there by two clothespins, and he felt the urge to take it down and wipe off the ocher dust that had begun to cling to it here and there, but he didn’t dare.
O’Higgins Is Araucanian
He remembered a very short book, scarcely one hundred pages long, by a certain Lonko Kilapán, published in Santiago de Chile in 1978, that an old friend, a wiseass of long standing, had sent him while he was living in Europe.
Bartleby, the Scrivener
Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol.
The Slave Trade
Fate thought it would be The Communist Manifesto... but when the old man put the book in his hands he saw with surprise that it wasn’t the Manifesto but a fat volume titled The Slave Trade by someone called Hugh Thomas, whose name he had never heard before.
Testamento geométrico
As Rosa searched for her keys, Fate saw the geometry book hanging from the clothesline. Without thinking, he went over and touched it with the tip of his fingers. Then, not because he cared but to defuse the tension, he asked Rosa what Testamento geométrico meant and Rosa translated it for him without comment.
Modern Criminal Investigation
Modern Criminal Investigation by the late chief director of Sweden’s National Institute of Technical Police, Mr. Harry Söderman, and the former president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, ex-Inspector John J. O’Connell, said Lalo Cura.
The Labyrinth of Solitude
The general burst out laughing and said the only thing he’d read by Paz, and this was many years ago, was The Labyrinth of Solitude, and he hadn’t understood a single word.
Animals and Plants of the European Coastal Region
The book was called Animals and Plants of the European Coastal Region. He hid it under his bed although no one at school ever noticed it was missing.
Hans read Parzival from beginning to end, sometimes aloud, out in the fields or on his way along the path home from work, and not only did he understand it, he liked it.
Berlin Alexanderplatz
And in 1929, too, he read a recently published novel, Alfred Döblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz, which struck him as notable and memorable.
The Three Leaps of Wang-lun
finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine
finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
Mountains, Seas, and Giants
finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
The Endless Rose
At the second reading, of selections from The Endless Rose, there were nine, again counting Ingeborg, and at the end only three people were left in the room.
The Leather Mask
When he finished his third novel, The Leather Mask, the old man who rented him the typewriter and to whom Archimboldi had given a copy of The Endless Rose offered to sell him the machine at a reasonable price.
Rivers of Europe
It wasn’t long before Archimboldi’s fourth book arrived at the publishing house. It was called Rivers of Europe, although it was really about only one river, the Dnieper.
Bifurcaria Bifurcata
In a month, writing eight pages a day, he finished his fifth book, which he called Bifurcaria Bifurcata and which was about seaweed, as the title clearly indicated.
Bifurcaria Bifurcata
Soon after he sent the contract for Bifurcaria Bifurcata to Archimboldi, he received a letter from the writer stating in no uncertain terms his dissatisfaction with the advance Mr. Bubis intended to pay him.
Les Cages flottantes
“The crew of the ship swallowed up by the waves consisted of twenty-five men, who left hundreds of widows consigned to misery.” Les Cages flottantes, Gaston Leroux.
The King of the Forest
This time, however, by mistake or because she was in a hurry not to miss her flight, she bought a book called The King of the Forest, by someone called Benno von Archimboldi.
Piranesi and his imaginary prisons
He was attracted by the idea of living in Italy or near Italy and spending long periods in Tuscany and Rome writing an essay on Piranesi and his imaginary prisons, which he saw extrapolated not exactly in Mexican prisons but in the imaginary and iconographic versions of some Mexican prisons.
The Trial
He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
Bouvard and Pécuchet
He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
A Tale of Two Cities
He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
The Pickwick Papers
He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
The Abridged French Encyclopedia
As he drove toward the Detroit–Wayne County airport, he thought about Seaman’s strange books, The Abridged French Encyclopedia and the one he hadn’t seen but that Seaman had claimed to have read in prison, The Abridged Digest of the Complete Works of Voltaire, which made him laugh out loud.
The Abridged Digest of the Complete Works of Voltaire
As he drove toward the Detroit–Wayne County airport, he thought about Seaman’s strange books, The Abridged French Encyclopedia and the one he hadn’t seen but that Seaman had claimed to have read in prison, The Abridged Digest of the Complete Works of Voltaire, which made him laugh out loud.
Biography of Flores Magón
Inside the shack, several sports magazines were found, as well as a biography of Flores Magón, some sweatshirts, a pair of sandals, two pairs of shorts, and three photographs of Mexican boxers cut out of a magazine and stuck to the wall next to the mattress, as if Pérez Ochoa had wanted to burn the faces and fighting stances of those champions onto his retina before he went to sleep.
When he was near despair, Ansky returned to Arcimboldo. He liked to remember Arcimboldo’s paintings, though he knew or pretended to know almost nothing about the painter’s life, which wasn’t in a state of constant turmoil like Courbet’s, true, but in Arcimboldo’s canvases Ansky found something that for lack of a better word he called simplicity, a descriptive term that would not have been to the liking of many scholars and exegetes of the Arcimboldian oeuvre.
The fiction of Döblin
In the first were the books he read and reread and considered magnificent and sometimes monstrous, like the fiction of Döblin, who was still one of his favorite authors.
Kafka's complete works
In the first were the books he read and reread and considered magnificent and sometimes monstrous, like the fiction of Döblin, who was still one of his favorite authors, or Kafka’s complete works.