by Roberto , Roberto Bolaño, Natasha Bolaño, Wimmer

Places Map

References to Other Books

Direct References

  • Bitzius and the other was Bitzius. Reading the latter really did make her go running out.
  • Il libro di cucina di Juana Inés de la Cruz the book he was reading was called Il libro di cucina di Juana Inés de la Cruz, by Angelo Morino
  • The Head Espinoza, meanwhile, pulled Archimboldi’s latest novel, The Head, out of his bag and started to go over the notes he had written in the margins.
  • Berthe Morisot Pelletier opened a book on the work of Berthe Morisot, the first woman impressionist, but soon he felt like hurling it against the wall.
  • The Berlin Underworld Three years ago, when he was the head of a publishing house, before he became one of the top cultural officials in the new government, he had tried to publish The Berlin Underworld, but the rights already belonged to a house in Barcelona.
  • Stevenson's Grave Marcel Schwob, whose health was equally fragile, had set off in 1901 on a more difficult trip to visit Stevenson’s grave on an island in the Pacific.
  • The Endless Rose When Amalfitano told them he had translated The Endless Rose for an Argentinian publishing house in 1974, the critics’ opinion of him changed.
  • The Leather Mask He had come into contact with Archimboldi’s work, as far as he could recall, at the age of twenty, when he read The Endless Rose, The Leather Mask, and Rivers of Europe in German, books he borrowed from a library in Santiago.
  • Rivers of Europe He had come into contact with Archimboldi’s work, as far as he could recall, at the age of twenty, when he read The Endless Rose, The Leather Mask, and Rivers of Europe in German, books he borrowed from a library in Santiago.
  • Bifurcaria Bifurcata The library had only those three and Bifurcaria Bifurcata, but this last he had begun and couldn’t finish.
  • The Endless Rose When the critics wanted to know whether the translation of The Endless Rose had been his idea or an assignment, Amalfitano said that as far as he remembered, it had been the Argentinian publisher’s idea.
  • The Endless Rose As far as he knew, it had been a pirate edition, although the possibility didn’t occur to him till much later and he couldn’t say for sure.
  • Testamento geométrico “It’s Rafael Dieste’s Testamento geométrico,” said Amalfitano.
  • The Blind Woman When he got a little closer he saw that the book wasn’t Saint Thomas but rather The Blind Woman
  • Lethaea At the hotel, stretched out on a deck chair beside the empty pool, Pelletier was reading, and Espinoza knew, even before he saw the title, that it wasn’t Saint Thomas or The Blind Woman, but another book by Archimboldi. When he sat down next to Pelletier he could see it was Lethaea
  • Saint Thomas When he returned to the hotel Pelletier was reading Saint Thomas again.
  • The Blind Woman At the hotel, when he got back, Pelletier was always on the terrace or at the pool or sprawled in an armchair in one of the lounges, rereading Saint Thomas or The Blind Woman or Lethaea, which were, it seemed, the only books by Archimboldi he’d brought with him to Mexico.
  • Lethaea At the hotel, when he got back, Pelletier was always on the terrace or at the pool or sprawled in an armchair in one of the lounges, rereading Saint Thomas or The Blind Woman or Lethaea, which were, it seemed, the only books by Archimboldi he’d brought with him to Mexico.
  • Testamento geométrico The book was Rafael Dieste’s Testamento geométrico, published by Ediciones del Castro in La Coruña, in 1975, a book evidently about geometry, a subject that meant next to nothing to Amalfitano, divided into three parts, the first an 'Introduction to Euclid, Lobachevsky and Riemann,' the second concerning 'The Geometry of Motion,' and the third titled 'Three Proofs of the V Postulate.'
  • Testamento geométrico And then he looked at Dieste’s book, the Testamento geométrico, hanging impassively from the line, held there by two clothespins, and he felt the urge to take it down and wipe off the ocher dust that had begun to cling to it here and there, but he didn’t dare.
  • O’Higgins Is Araucanian He remembered a very short book, scarcely one hundred pages long, by a certain Lonko Kilapán, published in Santiago de Chile in 1978, that an old friend, a wiseass of long standing, had sent him while he was living in Europe.
  • The Metamorphosis Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol.
  • Bartleby, the Scrivener Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol.
  • A Simple Heart Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol.
  • A Christmas Carol Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol.
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's And then he said that he was reading Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
  • The Slave Trade Fate thought it would be The Communist Manifesto... but when the old man put the book in his hands he saw with surprise that it wasn’t the Manifesto but a fat volume titled The Slave Trade by someone called Hugh Thomas, whose name he had never heard before.
  • Testamento geométrico As Rosa searched for her keys, Fate saw the geometry book hanging from the clothesline. Without thinking, he went over and touched it with the tip of his fingers. Then, not because he cared but to defuse the tension, he asked Rosa what Testamento geométrico meant and Rosa translated it for him without comment.
  • Techniques for Police Instructors Techniques for Police Instructors by John C. Klotter
  • The Informer in Law Enforcement The Informer in Law Enforcement by Malachi L. Harney and John C. Cross
  • Modern Criminal Investigation Modern Criminal Investigation by Harry Söderman and John J. O’Connell
  • Modern Criminal Investigation Modern Criminal Investigation by the late chief director of Sweden’s National Institute of Technical Police, Mr. Harry Söderman, and the former president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, ex-Inspector John J. O’Connell, said Lalo Cura.
  • The Labyrinth of Solitude The general burst out laughing and said the only thing he’d read by Paz, and this was many years ago, was The Labyrinth of Solitude, and he hadn’t understood a single word.
  • Animals and Plants of the European Coastal Region The book was called Animals and Plants of the European Coastal Region. He hid it under his bed although no one at school ever noticed it was missing.
  • Parzival Chance or the devil had it that the book Hans Reiter chose to read was Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival.
  • Parzival Hans read Parzival from beginning to end, sometimes aloud, out in the fields or on his way along the path home from work, and not only did he understand it, he liked it.
  • Petersburg Andrey Bely, whose novel Petersburg kept him up for four days.
  • Berlin Alexanderplatz And in 1929, too, he read a recently published novel, Alfred Döblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz, which struck him as notable and memorable.
  • The Three Leaps of Wang-lun finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
  • Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
  • Wallenstein finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
  • Mountains, Seas, and Giants finding in the Moscow Library The Three Leaps of Wang-lun (1915), Wadzek’s Battle with the Steam Engine (1918), Wallenstein (1920), and Mountains, Seas, and Giants (1924).
  • Don Quixote And may I remind you that Cervantes wrote Don Quixote more or less at the same age I am now.
  • Lüdicke Around this time Reiter finished his first novel. He called it Lüdicke
  • The Endless Rose Mr. Bubis received the manuscript of The Endless Rose, which he read in two nights.
  • Lüdicke At the first, at which the author read selections from his novel Lüdicke, and at the end only three dared to buy the book.
  • The Endless Rose At the second reading, of selections from The Endless Rose, there were nine, again counting Ingeborg, and at the end only three people were left in the room.
  • The Leather Mask When he finished his third novel, The Leather Mask, the old man who rented him the typewriter and to whom Archimboldi had given a copy of The Endless Rose offered to sell him the machine at a reasonable price.
  • Rivers of Europe It wasn’t long before Archimboldi’s fourth book arrived at the publishing house. It was called Rivers of Europe, although it was really about only one river, the Dnieper.
  • Bifurcaria Bifurcata In a month, writing eight pages a day, he finished his fifth book, which he called Bifurcaria Bifurcata and which was about seaweed, as the title clearly indicated.
  • Bifurcaria Bifurcata Soon after he sent the contract for Bifurcaria Bifurcata to Archimboldi, he received a letter from the writer stating in no uncertain terms his dissatisfaction with the advance Mr. Bubis intended to pay him.
  • Vie de Rancé “Poor Marie! Whenever she hears the sound of an approaching horse, she is certain that it is I.” Vie de Rancé, Chateaubriand.
  • Les Cages flottantes “The crew of the ship swallowed up by the waves consisted of twenty-five men, who left hundreds of widows consigned to misery.” Les Cages flottantes, Gaston Leroux.
  • The Deluge “With God’s help, the sun will shine again on Poland.” The Deluge, Sienkiewicz.
  • Lourdes “ ‘Let’s go!’ said Peter, looking for his hat to dry his tears.” Lourdes, Zola.
  • Letters from My Mill “The duke appeared followed by his entourage, which preceded him.” Letters from My Mill, Alphonse Daudet.
  • Le Cataclysme “With his hands clasped behind his back, Henri strolled about the garden, reading his friend’s novel.” Le Cataclysme, Rosny.
  • On the Banks of the Rhine “With one eye he read, with the other he wrote.” On the Banks of the Rhine, Auback.
  • Luck’s Favorite “Silently the corpse awaited the autopsy.” Luck’s Favorite, Octave Feuillet.
  • Death “William couldn’t imagine the heart served for anything other than breathing.” Death, Argibachev.
  • Honneur d’artiste “This sword of honor is the most beautiful day of my life.” Honneur d’artiste, Octave Feuillet.
  • Beatrix “I can hardly see anymore, said the poor blind woman.” Beatrix, Balzac.
  • The Death of Mongomer “After they cut off his head, they buried him alive.” The Death of Mongomer, Henri Zvedan.
  • Ponson du Terrail “His hand was as cold as a snake’s.” Ponson du Terrail.
  • The King of the Forest This time, however, by mistake or because she was in a hurry not to miss her flight, she bought a book called The King of the Forest, by someone called Benno von Archimboldi.

Indirect References

  • Railroad Perfection and the same thing had been said when Archimboldi came out with Railroad Perfection
  • Bitzius a few Berlin professors had even said it when Bitzius was published.
  • Piranesi and his imaginary prisons He was attracted by the idea of living in Italy or near Italy and spending long periods in Tuscany and Rome writing an essay on Piranesi and his imaginary prisons, which he saw extrapolated not exactly in Mexican prisons but in the imaginary and iconographic versions of some Mexican prisons.
  • The Mangy Parrot Amalfitano was attacked until he resembled the bird in Azuela’s Mangy Parrot, gutted and plucked to the last feather.
  • The Trial “I thought,” said Amalfitano, “that Kafka was the greatest German writer of the twentieth century.”
  • A Sorrow Beyond Dreams “Have you read Peter Handke?” Amalfitano asked them.
  • Correction “And what about Thomas Bernhard?”
  • Le Readymade malheureux de Marcel Suzanne later painted a picture of it called Le Readymade malheureux de Marcel.
  • The Trial He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
  • Moby-Dick He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
  • Bouvard and Pécuchet He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
  • A Tale of Two Cities He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
  • The Pickwick Papers He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pécuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers.
  • The Abridged French Encyclopedia As he drove toward the Detroit–Wayne County airport, he thought about Seaman’s strange books, The Abridged French Encyclopedia and the one he hadn’t seen but that Seaman had claimed to have read in prison, The Abridged Digest of the Complete Works of Voltaire, which made him laugh out loud.
  • The Abridged Digest of the Complete Works of Voltaire As he drove toward the Detroit–Wayne County airport, he thought about Seaman’s strange books, The Abridged French Encyclopedia and the one he hadn’t seen but that Seaman had claimed to have read in prison, The Abridged Digest of the Complete Works of Voltaire, which made him laugh out loud.
  • Biography of Flores Magón Inside the shack, several sports magazines were found, as well as a biography of Flores Magón, some sweatshirts, a pair of sandals, two pairs of shorts, and three photographs of Mexican boxers cut out of a magazine and stuck to the wall next to the mattress, as if Pérez Ochoa had wanted to burn the faces and fighting stances of those champions onto his retina before he went to sleep.
  • Arcimboldo When he was near despair, Ansky returned to Arcimboldo. He liked to remember Arcimboldo’s paintings, though he knew or pretended to know almost nothing about the painter’s life, which wasn’t in a state of constant turmoil like Courbet’s, true, but in Arcimboldo’s canvases Ansky found something that for lack of a better word he called simplicity, a descriptive term that would not have been to the liking of many scholars and exegetes of the Arcimboldian oeuvre.
  • The fiction of Döblin In the first were the books he read and reread and considered magnificent and sometimes monstrous, like the fiction of Döblin, who was still one of his favorite authors.
  • Kafka's complete works In the first were the books he read and reread and considered magnificent and sometimes monstrous, like the fiction of Döblin, who was still one of his favorite authors, or Kafka’s complete works.
  • Rivers of Europe In the letter Archimboldi said he expected to receive an advance at least as big as the advance for Rivers of Europe.
  • Inheritance After Inheritance, the next manuscript Archimboldi sent to Bubis was Saint Thomas
  • Saint Thomas After Inheritance, the next manuscript Archimboldi sent to Bubis was Saint Thomas
  • The Blind Woman The novel he sent to Bubis from Icaria was called The Blind Woman.
  • The Black Sea More books soon came to Hamburg from the island. The Black Sea, a theater piece or a novel written in dramatic form
  • Lethaea Lethaea, his most explicitly sexual novel, in which he transfers to the Germany of the Third Reich
  • The Lottery Man The Lottery Man, the life of a crippled German who sells lottery tickets in New York.
  • The Father The Father, in which a son recalls his father’s activities as a psychopathic killer

Referenced By

Direct References

Places Referenced

Bremen, Germany
The first time Pelletier, Morini, Espinoza, and Norton saw each other was at a contemporary German literature conference held in Bremen in 1994.
Leipzig, Germany
Pelletier and Morini had met before, during the German literature colloquiums held in Leipzig in 1989, when the GDR was in its death throes,
Mannheim, Germany
and then they saw each other again at the German literature symposium held in Mannheim in December of the same year
Zurich, Switzerland
At a modern German literature forum in Zurich in 1990, Pelletier and Morini met Espinoza.
Maastricht, Netherlands
Espinoza saw Pelletier again at a twentieth-century German literature congress held in Maastricht in 1991
Augsburg, Germany
In 1992, Pelletier, Espinoza, and Morini ran into each other again at a German literature seminar in Augsburg.
Paris, France
Only Pelletier and Espinoza attended the next German literature conference, held in Paris in January 1992.
Bologna, Italy
The three met again at a German-language literature colloquium held in Bologna in 1993.
Bremen, Germany
The Bremen German literature conference was highly eventful.
Göttingen, Germany
The audience, consisting mostly of university students who had traveled from Göttingen by train or in vans, was also won over by Pelletier’s fiery and uncompromising interpretations.
University of Minnesota, USA
Then they talked about future conferences, especially a strange one at the University of Minnesota, supposedly to be attended by five hundred professors, translators, and German literature specialists.
London, England
Liz Norton sometimes shared her London flat with a globe-trotting brother who worked for an NGO.
Turin, Italy
Maybe the weather had been bad in Turin, maybe Morini had dreamed who knows what kind of horrible dream the night before.
Frisian town, north of Wilhelmshaven
met Archimboldi while he was cultural promoter for a Frisian town, north of Wilhelmshaven, facing the Black Sea coast and the East Frisian islands
left these places and went home (which was sometimes just a room in Frankfurt or Cologne)
left these places and went home (which was sometimes just a room in Frankfurt or Cologne)
the first, remembered the Swabian, had been published in Hamburg that year
Buenos Aires
had even, on one of her voyages, an unforgettable ocean crossing, gone as far as Buenos Aires, in 1927 or 1928
Hamburg, Germany
The next morning, Espinoza and Pelletier called at the publisher’s apartment, on the third floor of an old building in Hamburg’s upper town.
Sankt Pauli
as they walked around Sankt Pauli, it came to Pelletier and Espinoza that the search for Archimboldi could never fill their lives.
Mrs. Bubis’s house
in Sankt Pauli and later at Mrs. Bubis’s house, hung with photographs of the late Mr. Bubis and his writers, Pelletier and Espinoza understood that what they wanted to make was love, not war.
He imagined her and then he imagined himself, side by side, sharing an apartment in Madrid, going to the supermarket, both of them working in the German department.
Three days after the meeting with Archimboldi’s publisher, he showed up in London unannounced, and after telling Liz Norton the latest news, he invited her to dinner at a restaurant in Hammersmith.
he invited her to dinner at a restaurant in Hammersmith that a colleague in the Russian department had recommended.
The story was about a boy spending his holidays in Kobe who wanted to go out to play with friends at the same time that his favorite TV show was on.
The problem was that the boy was from Tokyo and in Tokyo his show was on Channel 34, whereas in Kobe, Channel 34 is blank, a channel on which all you see is snow.
Pelletier talked about his colleagues in the German department, about a young Swiss poet and professor who was badgering him for a scholarship, about the sky in Paris (shades of Baudelaire, Verlaine, Banville), about the cars at dusk, their lights already on, heading home.
Lavapiés, Madrid
Espinoza talked about his library, where he arranged his books in the strictest solitude, about the distant drums that he sometimes heard coming from a neighboring apartment that seemed to be home to a group of African musicians, about the neighborhoods of Madrid, Lavapiés, Malasaña, and about the area around the Gran Vía, where you could go for a walk at any time of night.
Malasaña, Madrid
Espinoza talked about his library, where he arranged his books in the strictest solitude, about the distant drums that he sometimes heard coming from a neighboring apartment that seemed to be home to a group of African musicians, about the neighborhoods of Madrid, Lavapiés, Malasaña, and about the area around the Gran Vía, where you could go for a walk at any time of night.
Gran Vía, Madrid
Espinoza talked about his library, where he arranged his books in the strictest solitude, about the distant drums that he sometimes heard coming from a neighboring apartment that seemed to be home to a group of African musicians, about the neighborhoods of Madrid, Lavapiés, Malasaña, and about the area around the Gran Vía, where you could go for a walk at any time of night.
Madrid, Spain
One Saturday Espinoza told her that she must come to Madrid, she would be his guest, Madrid at this time of year was the most beautiful city in the world, and there was a Bacon retrospective on, too, which wasn’t to be missed.
London, England
When Liz Norton flew back to London, Espinoza was left even more nervous than he’d been during her two days in Madrid.
El Escorial, Spain
Espinoza drove her to El Escorial and then they went to a flamenco show.
Salonika, Greece
Then they started to talk—and laughed quite a bit—about a strange conference that had just been held in Salonika, to which only Morini had been invited.
Hyde Park, London
he decided to go out and went as far as Hyde Park, where he wandered aimlessly
Italian Gardens, Hyde Park, London
he found himself outside the Italian Gardens, or so they were called, although nothing about them struck him as Italian
Palermo, Italy
The stranger pointed one of his thick fingers at the book, published by Sellerio, in Palermo
Wapping, London
A year later he had a show at the Emma Waterson gallery, an alternative space in Wapping, and it was an enormous success.
Lausanne or Montreux, Switzerland
Shortly thereafter, the painter went mad and his wife (he was married by then) had no choice but to send him to a convalescent home on the outskirts of Lausanne or Montreux.
the article consisted of a painstaking and often frustrating investigation that began in Germany
continued through France
continued through France, Switzerland
continued through France, Switzerland, Italy
continued through France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece
Palermo, Italy
ended at a travel agency in Palermo, where it seemed Archimboldi had bought a plane ticket to Morocco
ended at a travel agency in Palermo, where it seemed Archimboldi had bought a plane ticket to Morocco
Rabat, Morocco
the only part of the Serb’s paper that was worth anything was the ticket in the name of Benno von Archimboldi, bought a week before the Italian plane was scheduled to depart for Rabat
Atlas Mountains, Morocco
From now on we can imagine him lost in a cave in the Atlas Mountains, she said
United States
Archimboldi may have decided not to take the trip, or to travel somewhere else instead, say the United States
To visit Ireland or New York
New York
To visit Ireland or New York
London, England
She summoned them both to London
Madrid, Spain
Pelletier imagined Espinoza’s plane engulfed in flames, crashing onto a runway at the Madrid airport
London, England
although Norton’s behavior was perfectly normal, as if she had run into the two of them by chance and hadn’t expressly asked them to come to London.
Cromwell Road, London, England
As she drove along Cromwell Road, Norton said that maybe that night it would make most sense for her to sleep with both of them.
Kensington Gardens, London, England
Then they went to watch the sun set near the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens.
Serpentine Gallery, London, England
Couples or elegantly dressed single women passed briskly, toward the Serpentine Gallery or the Albert Memorial, and in the opposite direction men with crumpled newspapers or mothers pushing baby carriages headed toward Bayswater Road.
Albert Memorial, London, England
Couples or elegantly dressed single women passed briskly, toward the Serpentine Gallery or the Albert Memorial, and in the opposite direction men with crumpled newspapers or mothers pushing baby carriages headed toward Bayswater Road.
Bayswater Road, London, England
Couples or elegantly dressed single women passed briskly, toward the Serpentine Gallery or the Albert Memorial, and in the opposite direction men with crumpled newspapers or mothers pushing baby carriages headed toward Bayswater Road.
Madrid, Spain
On the plane back to Madrid, Espinoza, unlike Pelletier, thought about the book he believed to be Archimboldi’s last novel...
Berlin, Germany
Then came an assembly of Germanists in Berlin, a twentieth-century German literature congress in Stuttgart...
Stuttgart, Germany
Then came an assembly of Germanists in Berlin, a twentieth-century German literature congress in Stuttgart...
Hamburg, Germany
Only Espinoza and Morini attended the symposium, and since they were in Hamburg anyway and killing time they went to visit the Bubis publishing house...
Mainz, Germany
Then came an assembly of Germanists in Berlin, a twentieth-century German literature congress in Stuttgart, a symposium on German literature in Hamburg, and a conference on the future of German literature in Mainz.
Moscow, Russia
...but they couldn’t see Mrs. Bubis, for whom they’d brought a bouquet of roses, since she was on a trip to Moscow.
London, England
One day, when more than three months had gone by since their visit to Norton, one of them called the other and suggested a weekend in London.
London, England
After that night, the plane trips to London began again.
Foley Street, London, England
a small, uncomfortable hotel on Foley Street, near the Middlesex Hospital.
Middlesex Hospital, London, England
a small, uncomfortable hotel on Foley Street, near the Middlesex Hospital.
Paris, France
One night, while talking to Norton on the phone from Paris or Madrid, one of them brought the subject up.
Madrid, Spain
One night, while talking to Norton on the phone from Paris or Madrid, one of them brought the subject up.
Bournemouth, England
He wasn’t from London but a town near Bournemouth.
Oxford, England
He had studied at Oxford for a year, and then, incomprehensibly to Espinoza and Pelletier, had moved to London and finished his studies there.
Bologna, Italy
During the next conference they attended ('Reflecting the Twentieth Century: The Work of Benno von Archimboldi,' a two-day event in Bologna packed with young Italian Archimboldians and a crop of Archimboldian neostructuralists from all over Europe), they decided to tell Morini everything that had happened to them in the last few months and all the fears they harbored concerning Norton and Pritchard.
Bologna, Italy
Pelletier’s and Espinoza’s absolute boredom regarding everything said there about Archimboldi or their negligent disregard for the gaze of others, as if the two were so much cannibal fodder, a disregard lost on the young conferencegoers, those eager and insatiable cannibals, their thirtysomething faces bloated with success, their expressions shifting from boredom to madness, their coded stutterings speaking only two words: love me, or maybe two words and a phrase: love me, let me love you, though obviously no one understood.
London, England
So Pelletier and Espinoza, who drifted through Bologna like two ghosts, asked Norton on their next visit to London, almost panting, as if they’d been running or jogging (without pause, in dreams or in reality), whether she, their beloved Liz who hadn’t been able to go to Bologna, loved or lusted after Pritchard.
Harmsworth Park, London, England
And then he said something in his language and the cab passed Harmsworth Park and the Imperial War Musuem, heading along Brook Drive and then Austral Street and then Geraldine Street, driving around the park, an unnecessary maneuver no matter how you looked at it.
Imperial War Museum, London, England
And then he said something in his language and the cab passed Harmsworth Park and the Imperial War Musuem, heading along Brook Drive and then Austral Street and then Geraldine Street, driving around the park, an unnecessary maneuver no matter how you looked at it.
St. George’s Road
A few cars were passing by on St. George’s Road, but the three of them were invisible to anyone traveling in a vehicle at that hour.
Garden Row
A group of people came from Garden Row singing a song.
On the other side of the Thames, on a little street near Old Marylebone, they left the cab and walked for a while.
Old Marylebone
On the other side of the Thames, on a little street near Old Marylebone, they left the cab and walked for a while.
Middlesex Hospital
For a few minutes they entertained themselves by watching the ambulances coming in and out of Middlesex Hospital.
Charing Cross
They went for a walk, their minds calmer, along Charing Cross toward the Strand.
They went for a walk, their minds calmer, along Charing Cross toward the Strand.
When he got back to Madrid, Espinoza had a minor breakdown.
Auguste Demarre lunatic asylum, Switzerland
Pelletier’s story then began with the three Archimboldians contemplating the iron gate that rose in welcome to the Auguste Demarre lunatic asylum.
Montreux, Switzerland
At the foot of the mountains, he thought he saw a city. Maybe it’s Montreux, he said to himself.
The car took them back to Montreux, where they spent the night at the Hotel Helvetia.
Hotel Helvetia
The car took them back to Montreux, where they spent the night at the Hotel Helvetia.
From the Geneva airport they called Morini’s apartment in Turin.
Pelletier and Espinoza took the train to Geneva.
As soon as he got to Madrid Espinoza called Pelletier.
University of Turin
On the fourth day, Pelletier called the University of Turin directly.
Mexico City, Mexico
El Cerdo, after a brief conversation in German, got dressed and set off in his car to a hotel near the Mexico City airport.
Plaza Garibaldi, Mexico City, Mexico
El Cerdo took him to Plaza Garibaldi.
Zócalo, Mexico City
they went for a walk around the Zócalo, visiting the plaza and the Aztec ruins springing like lilacs from wasteland
Plaza Santo Domingo, Mexico City
as he and the German walked the streets around the Zócalo, toward the Plaza Santo Domingo, where, during the day, under the arches, scribes with their typewriters set up shop
Angel on Reforma, Mexico City
Then they went to see the Angel on Reforma, but that night the Angel was dark
Mexico City
The old man was flying from Mexico City to Hermosillo.
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
The old man was flying from Mexico City to Hermosillo.
Santa Teresa, Sonora, Mexico
“No, Santa Teresa,” said the old man. “Do you know it?”
Milan, Italy
She traveled a lot, Milan, Paris, Frankfurt.
Paris, France
She traveled a lot, Milan, Paris, Frankfurt.
Frankfurt, Germany
She traveled a lot, Milan, Paris, Frankfurt.
Moscow, Russia
Or at the German embassy in Moscow, in a Chanel suit, with two Russian poets in her retinue
Sonora, Mexico
Morini would be satisfied if he could see the pictures they took of him in Sonora.
I think Archimboldi lives in Greece, said Dieter Hellfeld
When he got to Samoa, after many hardships, he didn’t visit Stevenson’s grave.
Paris, France
Pelletier, Espinoza, and Norton traveled from Paris to Mexico City, where El Cerdo was waiting.
Mexico City, Mexico
Pelletier, Espinoza, and Norton traveled from Paris to Mexico City, where El Cerdo was waiting.
Hermosillo, Mexico
They spent the night in a hotel, and the next morning they flew to Hermosillo.
The next morning they flew to Hermosillo and from the airport they called the rector of the University of Santa Teresa, then they rented a car and set off toward the border.
As they left the airport, the three of them noticed how bright it was in Sonora. It was as if the light were buried in the Pacific Ocean, producing an enormous curvature of space.
Santa Teresa
They drove into Santa Teresa from the south and the city looked to them like an enormous camp of gypsies or refugees ready to pick up and move at the slightest prompting.
Hotel México
They took three rooms on the fourth floor of the Hotel México.
University of Santa Teresa
Then El Cerdo pulled out his electronic organizer and they copied the phone number of the rector at the University of Santa Teresa into their address books.
Madrid, Spain
She started to talk to me about moving to Madrid.
books he had chosen in Barcelona before he left.
When Pelletier, to change the subject, talked about the light in Sonora, the rector waxed poetic about sunsets in the desert and mentioned a few painters, with names they didn’t recognize, who had come to live in Sonora or nearby Arizona.
Hyde Park
All she saw was an empty wheelchair and behind it an enormous, impenetrable forest, so dark green it was almost black, which it took her a while to recognize as Hyde Park.
Santiago, Chile
It was a public library, augmented by the collection of a German man who had accumulated many books in German and who had donated them before he died to the municipality of Ñuñoa, in Santiago.
When the critics, much more kindly disposed toward him now, asked what he was doing in Argentina in 1974, Amalfitano looked at them and then at his margarita and said, as if he had repeated it many times, that in 1974 he was in Argentina because of the coup in Chile, which had obliged him to choose the path of exile.
Santa Teresa
There was no German consulate in Santa Teresa, so any steps in that direction could be ruled out from the start.
Santa Teresa
As they finished breakfast they speculated again about the motives that might have compelled Archimboldi to travel to Santa Teresa.
Turin, Italy
In his message Morini talked about the weather, as if he had nothing better to say, about the slanting rain that had begun to fall on Turin at eight and hadn’t stopped until one in the morning.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
The next day they went to see the crafts market, which had been meant as a trading post for everyone living near Santa Teresa.
Nogales, Mexico
Cattlemen came from Nogales and Vicente Guerrero and horse dealers from Agua Prieta and Cananea.
Vicente Guerrero, Mexico
Cattlemen came from Nogales and Vicente Guerrero and horse dealers from Agua Prieta and Cananea.
Agua Prieta, Mexico
Cattlemen came from Nogales and Vicente Guerrero and horse dealers from Agua Prieta and Cananea.
Cananea, Mexico
Cattlemen came from Nogales and Vicente Guerrero and horse dealers from Agua Prieta and Cananea.
Phoenix, USA
Now the market was kept up solely for American tourists from Phoenix, who arrived by bus or in caravans of three or four cars and left the city before nightfall.
Mexico City, Mexico
At each place they looked through the papers dating from a month before Almendro saw Archimboldi in Mexico City to the previous day.
Hermosillo, Mexico
The return to the hotel where Archimboldi collected his suitcase, the mostly silent trip to the airport, and then Archimboldi’s departure for Hermosillo, after which he never saw him again.
Paris, France
another professor from the university who had written his thesis in Paris about a Mexican who wrote in French
Santa Teresa, Mexico
a lamb barbecue at a ranch near Santa Teresa, a barbecue that was predicted to be massive
Sierra Madre, Mexico
to visit the foothills of the Sierra Madre
Arizona, USA
they gazed past it at the Arizona desert, this time getting out of the car
Santa Teresa–Caborca highway, Mexico
ate tacos at a motel on the Santa Teresa–Caborca highway, at outdoor tables with a view
Tucson, United States
The flight Norton had found was out of Tucson, and despite her protests—she’d been planning to take a taxi—they decided to drive her to the airport.
Santa Teresa
Then Norton got up to go to bed and Espinoza suggested they spend their last night in Santa Teresa together.
But the dirt road ended in Sonoita and from there they took Route 83 to Interstate 10, which brought them straight to Tucson.
To get back they took Interstate 19 to Nogales, although they turned off a little after Rio Rico and followed the border on the Arizona side, to Lochiel, where they entered Mexico again.
To get back they took Interstate 19 to Nogales, although they turned off a little after Rio Rico and followed the border on the Arizona side, to Lochiel, where they entered Mexico again.
Santa Teresa
In Santa Teresa, in that horrible city, said Norton’s letter, I thought about Jimmy
London, England
When I reached London after an exhausting trip, said Norton in her letter, I started to think about Jimmy Crawford
More than once I felt the urge to rush to the airport and catch the first plane to Mexico.
Santa Teresa
The rest of the morning Espinoza would spend at an outdoor café in the neighborhood, the only neighborhood in Santa Teresa he liked, besides Rebeca’s, reading the local papers and drinking coffee and smoking.
"Yes," said Morini’s voice from Turin. "He died a few months ago."
Santa Teresa
And yet," said Pelletier, "I'm sure Archimboldi is here, in Santa Teresa.
A week later Amalfitano got a letter from Lola, postmarked Pamplona.
For two days, said Lola, we were working at a roadside restaurant in Lérida, for a man who also owned an apple orchard.
In Zaragoza they stayed with an old friend of Imma’s from university.
Mondragón asylum
Then Lola described again the night when she’d made love with the poet, who lay in majestic and semisecret repose in the Mondragón asylum.
Barcelona, Spain
He lived in Barcelona, with a gay philosopher, and they threw parties together once a week or once every two weeks.
I don’t know whether you’d come to Spain yet or whether you were in Italy or France or some filthy Latin American hole.
Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain
At that hour only the Drugstore on Las Ramblas was open and we headed there without a word.
Barcelona, Spain
Sometimes someone, an older woman, a man in a tie, a long-faced adolescent, would open a window and look out at the grid of Barcelona at dusk.
San Sebastián, Spain
Amalfitano received the next letter from San Sebastián.
Mondragón, Spain
In it, Lola told him that she’d gone with Imma to the asylum at Mondragón to visit the poet, who lived there, raving and demented, and that the guards, priests disguised as security guards, wouldn’t let them in.
San Sebastián, Spain
In San Sebastián they had plans to stay with a friend of Imma’s, a Basque girl named Edurne, who had been an ETA commando and had given up the armed struggle when democracy came, and who didn’t want them in her house for more than one night, saying she had lots to do and her husband didn’t like unexpected guests.
San Sebastián, Spain
Edurne herself was very relaxed. She had a little boy (though Lola and Imma never saw him, because Jon always found a reason to keep them out of his room) and she worked almost full-time as a street educator, with junkie families and the street people who huddled on the steps of the cathedral of San Sebastián and only wanted to be left alone, as Edurne explained, laughing, as if she’d just told a joke that only Imma understood, because neither Lola nor Jon laughed.
Mondragón, Spain
They found a cheap boardinghouse that Edurne had told them about and they hitchhiked back to Mondragón.
Mondragón, Spain
They weren’t allowed into the asylum this time either, but they settled for studying it from the outside, noting and committing to memory all the dirt and gravel roads they could see, the gray walls, the rises and curves of the land, the walks taken by the inmates and their caretakers, whom they watched from a distance, the curtains of trees following one after the other at unpredictable intervals or in a pattern they didn’t understand, and the brush where they thought they saw flies, by which they deduced that some of the inmates and maybe even a worker or two urinated there in the dark or as night fell.
Barcelona, Spain
Not me, said Imma, and she turned the page. I knew him, said Lola, we were friends a few years ago, in Barcelona, when he lived in Barcelona.
Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France
We’ll cross into France over the mountains, like pilgrims. We’ll make our way to Saint-Jean-de-Luz and take the train to Paris, traveling through the countryside, which is the prettiest in the world at this time of year.
Paris, France
We’ll cross into France over the mountains, like pilgrims. We’ll make our way to Saint-Jean-de-Luz and take the train to Paris, traveling through the countryside, which is the prettiest in the world at this time of year.
Irún, Spain
Then, when I’m six months pregnant, we’ll go back to Spain, though this time we won’t cross over at Irún but at La Jonquera or Port Bou, into Catalan country.
La Jonquera, Spain
Then, when I’m six months pregnant, we’ll go back to Spain, though this time we won’t cross over at Irún but at La Jonquera or Port Bou, into Catalan country.
Port Bou, Spain
Then, when I’m six months pregnant, we’ll go back to Spain, though this time we won’t cross over at Irún but at La Jonquera or Port Bou, into Catalan country.
Mondragón, Spain
Sometimes like shooting a Zen arrow with a Zen bow into a Zen pavilion. Ah, I understand, said Lola. You, read a poem, said the poet. Imma looked at him and raised the book a little higher, as if she was trying to hide behind it. Which poem? Whichever one you like best, said the poet. I like them all, said Imma. So read one, said the poet. When Imma had finished reading a poem about a labyrinth and Ariadne lost in the labyrinth and a young Spaniard who lived in a Paris garret, the poet asked if they had any chocolate. No, said Lola. We don’t smoke these days, said Imma, we’re focusing all our efforts on getting you out of here. The poet smiled. I didn’t mean that kind of chocolate, he said, I meant the other kind, the kind made with cocoa and milk and sugar. Oh, I see, said Lola, and they both were forced to admit they hadn’t brought anything like that either. They remembered that they had cheese sandwiches in their bags, wrapped in napkins and aluminum foil, and they offered them to him, but the poet seemed not to hear. Before it began to get dark, a flock of big blackbirds flew over the park, vanishing northward. A doctor approached along the gravel path, his white robe flapping in the evening breeze. When he reached them he asked the poet how he felt, calling him by his first name as if they’d been friends since adolescence. The poet gave him a blank look, and, calling him by his first name too, said he was a little tired. The doctor, whose name was Gorka and who couldn’t have been more than thirty, sat down beside him and put a hand on his forehead, then took his pulse. You’re doing fucking great, man, he said. And how are the ladies? he asked, with a smile full of health and cheer. Imma didn’t answer. Lola had the sense that Imma was dying behind her book. Just fine, she said, it’s been a while since we saw each other and we’re having a wonderful time. So you knew each other already? asked the doctor. Not me, said Imma, and she turned the page. I knew him, said Lola, we were friends a few years ago, in Barcelona, when he lived in Barcelona. In fact, she said, looking up at the last blackbirds, the stragglers, taking flight just as someone turned on the park lights from a hidden switch in the asylum, we were more than friends. How interesting, said Gorka, his eyes on the birds, which at that time of day and in the artificial light had a burnished glow. What year was that? asked the doctor. It was 1979 or 1978, I can’t remember now, said Lola in a faint voice. I hope you won’t think I’m indiscreet, said the doctor, but I’m writing a biography of our friend and the more information I can gather on his life, the better, wouldn’t you say? Someday he’ll leave here, said Gorka, smoothing his eyebrows, someday the Spanish public will have to recognize him as one of the greats, I don’t mean they’ll give him a prize, hardly, no Príncipe de Asturias or Cervantes for him, let alone a seat in the Academy, literary careers in Spain are for social climbers, operators, and ass kissers, if you’ll pardon the expression. But someday he’ll leave here. There’s no question about that. Someday I’ll leave, too. And so will my patients and my colleagues’ patients. Someday all of us will finally leave Mondragón, and this noble institution, ecclesiastical in origin, charitable in aim, will stand abandoned. Then my biography will be of interest and I’ll be able to publish it, but in the meantime, as you can imagine, it’s my duty to collect information, dates, names, confirm stories, some in questionable taste, even damaging, others more picturesque, stories that revolve around a chaotic center of gravity, which is our friend here, or what he’s willing to reveal, the ordered self he presents, ordered verbally, I mean, according to a strategy I think I understand, although its purpose is a mystery to me, an order concealing a verbal disorder that would shake us to the core if ever we were to experience it, even as spectators of a staged performance.
Madrid, Spain
this time heading south, to Madrid, where she had a brother who had done well for himself under the democracy and whom she planned to ask for a loan.
San Sebastián, Spain
she described her daily life in San Sebastián and the area around the asylum, which she visited every day.
Mondragón cemetery
Once one of the drivers who picked her up on the highway asked if she wanted to see the Mondragón cemetery and she said she did.
Sonora, Mexico
the ghostly lights that are famously visible without binoculars or telescope in northern Sonora and southern Arizona.
Arizona, USA
the ghostly lights that are famously visible without binoculars or telescope in northern Sonora and southern Arizona.
then went out to the highway to hitchhike to Mondragón.
San Sebastián, Spain
He bought her a skirt at a little street fair and he bought her some brand-name jeans at a store in downtown San Sebastián.
La Concha, San Sebastián, Spain
Another time he found her sitting on a seafront bench at La Concha, at an hour when the only people out walking were two opposite types: those running out of time and those with time to burn.
Bayonne, France
She was in Bayonne for a while. She left for Landes. She returned to Bayonne.
Pau, France
She was in Pau and in Lourdes.
Lourdes, France
She was in Pau and in Lourdes.
Paris, France
The letter was short and came from Paris. In it Lola told him that she had a job cleaning big office buildings.
Las Ramblas
At night she slept in a boardinghouse near Las Ramblas, where foreign workers crammed into tiny rooms.
Sant Cugat, Spain
In those days, Amalfitano was living in Sant Cugat and teaching philosophy classes at Barcelona’s Universidad Autónoma, not far away.
Barcelona, Spain
In those days, Amalfitano was living in Sant Cugat and teaching philosophy classes at Barcelona’s Universidad Autónoma, not far away.
Lola refused, saying French doctors had always been better than Spanish doctors, and she took some papers out of her bag that stated in no uncertain terms and in French that she had AIDS.
When they got there Lola was sitting in front of the TV, which was on but with the sound off, reading her book on Greece.
University of Santa Teresa
The University of Santa Teresa was like a cemetery that suddenly begins to think, in vain.
Santa Teresa
but to the heat that swept Santa Teresa in the afternoons, the dry, dusty heat of a bitter sun, inescapable unless you lived in a new apartment with air-conditioning, which Amalfitano didn’t.
La Coruña
The book was Rafael Dieste’s Testamento geométrico, published by Ediciones del Castro in La Coruña, in 1975
Santiago de Compostela
Obviously, it was Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia.
Barcelona, Spain
He believed (or liked to think he believed) that when a person was in Barcelona, the people living and present in Buenos Aires and Mexico City didn’t exist.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
He believed (or liked to think he believed) that when a person was in Barcelona, the people living and present in Buenos Aires and Mexico City didn’t exist.
Mexico City, Mexico
He believed (or liked to think he believed) that when a person was in Barcelona, the people living and present in Buenos Aires and Mexico City didn’t exist.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
And although Amalfitano later found more information on the life and works of Rafael Dieste at the University of Santa Teresa library...
Sonora, Mexico
to this populous city that stood in defiance of the desert on the border of Sonora and Arizona.
Arizona, USA
to this populous city that stood in defiance of the desert on the border of Sonora and Arizona.
Tijuana, Mexico
but although it was still daytime and the sun was still shining in the west, toward Tijuana, he couldn’t see it.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
All that exists, or remains, of Duchamp’s stay in Buenos Aires is a readymade.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
Another morning he thought that any work he did to make the yard nicer would ultimately be pointless, since he didn’t plan to stay long in Santa Teresa.
Naples, Italy
His own father, Amalfitano’s grandfather, was born in Naples.
Chillán, Chile
Luis Vicentini, a powerfully built Italian from Chillán who was defeated by the sad fate of being born in Chile.
United States
Estanislao Loayza, El Tani, who was robbed of the world title in the United States in the most ridiculous way, when the referee stepped on his foot in the first round and El Tani fractured his ankle.
Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico
The inside was dark, except for the light that came in through a kind of skylight, and the walls were covered in ex-votos written by travelers and Indians in the nineteenth century who had risked the pass between Chihuahua and Sonora.
Santa Teresa
Amalfitano’s first few days in Santa Teresa and at the University of Santa Teresa were miserable, although Amalfitano was only half aware of the fact.
A faculty colleague, a young professor from Hermosillo who had only recently finished his degree, asked what had made him choose the University of Santa Teresa over the University of Barcelona.
A faculty colleague, a young professor from Hermosillo who had only recently finished his degree, asked what had made him choose the University of Santa Teresa over the University of Barcelona.
Buenos Aires
He had met Professor Silvia Pérez in Buenos Aires and then they had seen each other twice in Barcelona.
Colonia Lindavista
The house was in Colonia Lindavista, an upper-middle-class neighborhood of one- and two-story houses with yards.
Avenida Madero
all he saw was a dog heading calmly toward Avenida Madero, to the bus stop.
That hockey rink the size of Atacama where the players never saw a member of the opposing team and only every so often saw a member of their own.
Santa Teresa
At that same moment the Santa Teresa police found the body of another teenage girl, half buried in a vacant lot in one of the neighborhoods on the edge of the city
The water tasted different from the water in Barcelona.
The water in Santa Teresa seemed much denser, as if it weren’t filtered at all but came loaded with minerals, tasting of earth. In the first few days he had acquired the habit, which he shared with Rosa, of brushing his teeth twice as often as he had in Barcelona, because it seemed to him that his teeth were turning brown, as if they were being covered in a thin film of some substance from the underground rivers of Sonora.
Santa Teresa, Sonora
Are we in Santa Teresa? asked the voice. Is this city part of the state of Sonora?
Santa Teresa
He imagined himself locked up in an asylum in Santa Teresa or Hermosillo with Professor Pérez as his only occasional visitor...
He imagined himself locked up in an asylum in Santa Teresa or Hermosillo with Professor Pérez as his only occasional visitor...
To start what? That was a question he preferred not to answer. He imagined himself locked up in an asylum in Santa Teresa or Hermosillo with Professor Pérez as his only occasional visitor, and every so often receiving letters from Rosa in Barcelona, where she would be working or finishing her studies...
She would meet a Catalan boy, responsible and affectionate, who would fall in love with her and respect her and take care of her and be nice to her and with whom Rosa would end up living and going to the movies at night and traveling to Italy or Greece in July or August...
She would meet a Catalan boy, responsible and affectionate, who would fall in love with her and respect her and take care of her and be nice to her and with whom Rosa would end up living and going to the movies at night and traveling to Italy or Greece in July or August...
Of course, he said to himself, he didn’t believe in ghosts or spirits, although during his childhood in the south of Chile people talked about the mechona who waited for riders on a tree branch...
Cordillera de la Costa
Lesser demons that roamed between the Cordillera de la Costa and the Andes, but in which he didn’t believe...
Lesser demons that roamed between the Cordillera de la Costa and the Andes, but in which he didn’t believe...
Mexico City
Professor Pérez said she had three feminists from Mexico City staying at her house, and that night she planned to have a dinner for them.
Avenida Madero
He was walking along Avenida Madero, and the four-story buildings had given way to ranch houses.
Colonia Lindavista
They headed toward Colonia Lindavista, but before they got there the dean’s son suggested they get a drink.
Greektown, Detroit
He had a cup of coffee and toast for breakfast at a Greektown diner.
Santa Teresa
Near another open field they saw the old railroad line that had once connected Santa Teresa to Ures and Hermosillo.
Near another open field they saw the old railroad line that had once connected Santa Teresa to Ures and Hermosillo.
Near another open field they saw the old railroad line that had once connected Santa Teresa to Ures and Hermosillo.
Los Zancudos
The place was called Los Zancudos and it was a rectangle three hundred feet long by one hundred feet wide.
Santiago de Chile
He remembered a very short book, scarcely one hundred pages long, by a certain Lonko Kilapán, published in Santiago de Chile in 1978, that an old friend, a wiseass of long standing, had sent him while he was living in Europe.
Puerto Saavedra
And that was the end of the prologue, by José R. Pichiñual, Cacique of Puerto Saavedra.
These pieces were distributed among the Araucanian museums of Temuco, the future Museo Abate Molina of Villa Alegre, and the Museo Araucano of Santiago, which will soon be open to the public.
Villa Alegre
These pieces were distributed among the Araucanian museums of Temuco, the future Museo Abate Molina of Villa Alegre, and the Museo Araucano of Santiago, which will soon be open to the public.
These pieces were distributed among the Araucanian museums of Temuco, the future Museo Abate Molina of Villa Alegre, and the Museo Araucano of Santiago, which will soon be open to the public.
Bologna, Italy
He was a professor at the University of Bologna, where his statue presides over the entrance to the Pantheon of the Distinguished Sons of Italy, between the statues of Copernicus and Galileo.
Barcelona, Spain
The mention of Trakl made Amalfitano think, as he went through the motions of teaching a class, about a drugstore near where he lived in Barcelona, a place he used to go when he needed medicine for Rosa.
Rebecca Holmes Park
They left in the rental car for Rebecca Holmes Park, some twenty blocks away.
Temple A. Hoffman Memorial Playground
Rebecca Holmes Park was big and in the middle, surrounded by a half-collapsed fence, was a playground called Temple A. Hoffman Memorial Playground, where they didn’t see any children playing.
There was something about a woman whose legs and arms and tongue had been amputated. There was something about the Chicago sewers and the sanitation boss or a city worker called Sebastian D’Onofrio, and then came a refrain, repeating Chi-Chi-Chi-Chicago.
California, USA
Seaman began by talking about his childhood in California. He said that for those who hadn’t been to California, what it was most like was an enchanted island.
Detroit, USA
And here he recited a list of statistics on fatal car accidents in a county of Detroit and a county of Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, USA
And here he recited a list of statistics on fatal car accidents in a county of Detroit and a county of Los Angeles.
Santa Cruz, California, USA
As you all know, he said, Marius Newell was killed. A black man like you and like me killed him one night in Santa Cruz, California.
Soledad Prison, USA
He always said he would call his first son Frank, after a friend who lost his life in Soledad Prison.
Big Sur, California, USA
I see him on the beach in California. A beach in Big Sur, maybe, or in Monterey north of Fisherman’s Wharf, up Highway 1.
Monterey, California, USA
I see him on the beach in California. A beach in Big Sur, maybe, or in Monterey north of Fisherman’s Wharf, up Highway 1.
Folsom Prison
At Folsom Prison, he said, a cigarette was worth one-twentieth of a little jar of strawberry jam.
Meanwhile, at Soledad, a cigarette was worth one-thirtieth of a jar.
And at Walla-Walla, a cigarette was worth the same as a jar of jam, for one thing because the prisoners at Walla-Walla—who knows why, maybe because of some brainwashing against food, maybe because they were hooked on that nicotine—would have nothing to do with anything that was sweet, and all they wanted was to breathe that smoke into their lungs.
Santa Cruz
Marius Newell had died in Santa Cruz.
She invited me to stay at her house in Detroit, which was small, but for me it was as if a princess in Europe had offered me her castle for a resting place.
She invited me to stay at her house in Detroit, which was small, but for me it was as if a princess in Europe had offered me her castle for a resting place.
Lin Piao, and later on he wanted to kill Chairman Mao and he was killed in a plane crash when he was trying to get away to Russia.
New York
And when I’d finished the book I went to New York and took it to some publishers and one of them was interested and you all know the rest.
Des Moines to Lincoln on Route 80
He talked about the stars you see at night, say when you’re driving from Des Moines to Lincoln on Route 80 and the car breaks down...
each time Marius Newell walked along a beach in California he came upon a starfish.
Colchester Sun
They went to a store that specialized in the sale of rare fish in Colchester Sun, a white neighborhood, and they went in through the back door.
Santa Teresa, Sonora, Mexico
While Fate was sleeping, there was a report on an American who had disappeared in Santa Teresa, in the state of Sonora in the north of Mexico.
Arizona, USA
Medina gestured toward at some point in the broadcast, saying it was Arizona.
Brooklyn, New York, USA
He was an old black man, much older than Seaman, who lived in Brooklyn and was a member of the Communist Party.
Scottsboro, Alabama, USA
Antonio Jones often talked about what had happened in Scottsboro, about the Scottsboro trials, about the blacks who were almost lynched in Scottsboro.
Detroit, Michigan
Before he left Detroit he went to the only decent bookstore in the city and bought The Slave Trade by Hugh Thomas, the former professor at Sandhurst.
Brooklyn, New York
One day, walking down some street in Brooklyn, Antonio Jones had felt tired, sat down on the sidewalk, and a second later stopped existing.
Tucson, Arizona
At the airport he bought a ticket to Tucson.
Cameroons, Africa
Beyond the delta of the Niger, the coast of Africa at last begins to turn south again and there, in the Cameroons, in the late eighteenth century, Liverpool merchants from England pioneered a new branch of the slave trade.
Gabon, Africa
Further on, and well to the south, the River Gabon, just north of Cape Lopez, was also coming into full activity as a slave region in the 1780s.
Corisco, Africa
But off the coast the Dutch had for a long time used the island of Corisco (the word in Portuguese means “flash of lightning”) as a trading center, though not specifically for slaves.
Elmina, Africa
Then he saw an illustration—there were quite a few in the book—showing a Portuguese fort on the Gold Coast, called Elmina, captured by the Danes in 1637.
Tucson, Arizona
At the Tucson airport he rented a car, bought a road map, and drove south out of the city.
Cochise’s Corner
A few miles down the road he saw a place called Cochise’s Corner and he parked in a big lot, next to a gas station.
Virginia, USA
By that I mean the dark-skinned people who were being transported for sale, to Virginia, say.
Paris, France
Or look at the French. During the Paris Commune of 1871, thousands of people were killed and no one batted an eye.
New York, USA
The story didn’t just make all the French newspapers, it was written up in papers across Europe, and even got a mention in the New York Examiner.
This isn’t your first trip to Mexico.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
To Santa Teresa, said Fate.
Santa Teresa
“How far is it to Santa Teresa?” he asked.
Once he was tempted to turn back, toward the restaurant or Tucson.
The other time he came to a town called Patagonia where a boy at the gas station told him the easiest way to get to Santa Teresa.
He drove for two hours along dark roads, with the radio on, listening to a Phoenix jazz station.
Gómez Palacio, Durango
A voice in Spanish began to tell the story of a singer from Gómez Palacio who had returned to his city in the state of Durango just to commit suicide.
On the American side of the border stood a town called Adobe.
New York
He was in a bus with his mother and one of his mother’s sisters and they were taking a short trip, from New York to a town near New York.
Arena del Norte
Then the clerk ripped out a piece of paper and drew him a map with precise directions to the Arena del Norte boxing stadium, where the fight would be held.
Santa Teresa
Most of the reporters were staying at the Hotel Sonora Resort, in the center of Santa Teresa.
Hotel Sonora Resort
Most of the reporters were staying at the Hotel Sonora Resort, in the center of Santa Teresa.
Oceanside, California
The black guy was from Oceanside, California, or at least he had been born there and had later grown up in Los Angeles, and his name was Omar Abdul.
Los Angeles
The black guy was from Oceanside, California, or at least he had been born there and had later grown up in Los Angeles, and his name was Omar Abdul.
Time for this shithole, equal parts lost cemetery and garbage dump, to turn into a kind of Detroit?
Santa Teresa
In Santa Teresa almost all the girls have long hair.
Sonora Resort
As they were driving to the Sonora Resort, where he planned to check his e-mail...
Carreño was almost six and a half feet tall, unusually tall for Mexico, where people tend to be short.
There’s no place on earth with more dumb girls per square foot than a college in California.
Los Angeles
And then they set up a fight against Arthur Ashley, in Los Angeles.
Santa Teresa prison
This morning I drove past the Santa Teresa prison and I almost had a panic attack.
Sonora Resort
He spent the rest of the day drinking with Campbell in the bar at the Sonora Resort.
New York University
Fate’s at New York University, Campbell’s at a college in Sioux City.
Sioux City
Fate’s at New York University, Campbell’s at a college in Sioux City.
But then Campbell started to talk about women, about a bar in a place called Smithland, a kind of country inn near the Little Sioux River.
Little Sioux River
But then Campbell started to talk about women, about a bar in a place called Smithland, a kind of country inn near the Little Sioux River.
He thought about his mother and what she must have thought about at night in Harlem, not looking out the window to see the few stars shining in the sky.
Tucson, Arizona
thinking that after the fight that night he would head straight back to Tucson, where he would try to catch a red-eye to New York.
New York, New York
thinking that after the fight that night he would head straight back to Tucson, where he would try to catch a red-eye to New York.
Arena del Norte
There was no one at the Arena del Norte. The main door was closed.
Sonora Resort
At the bar at the Sonora Resort he found almost all of the reporters who were covering the fight.
Santa Teresa
By the time they reach the heights of Santa Teresa they’ll have disappeared.
Santa Teresa
The clerk shook his head and looked through a pile of papers on the desk until he found the card of a Santa Teresa cybercafé.
New York
It’s open all night,” he said, which surprised Fate, because even in New York he’d never heard of cybercafés that stayed open twenty-four hours.
If he closed his eyes he could see a white dress lifted by the wind on the streets of Harlem as invincible laughter spilled down the walls, running along the sidewalks, cool and warm as the white dress.
Santa Teresa
The first dead woman of May was never identified, so it was assumed she was a migrant from some central or southern state who had stopped in Santa Teresa on her way to the United States.
Calle Jazmín, Colonia Carranza
She was twenty-six, a resident of Calle Jazmín, one of the streets parallel to Avenida Carranza, in Colonia Carranza, and employed at the File-Sis maquiladora.
File-Sis maquiladora, road to Nogales
Employed at the File-Sis maquiladora, recently built on the road to Nogales, some five miles from Santa Teresa.
Los Zancudos
The killer turned out to be her boyfriend, who tried to flee that very night and was caught by the train tracks, not far from a nightspot called Los Zancudos where he had gotten drunk earlier.
Cerro Estrella
The last dead woman of May was found on the slopes of Cerro Estrella, the hills that lend their name to the Colonia that surrounds them unevenly.
He remembered that his son, who was studying in Phoenix, had once told him that plastic bags took hundreds, maybe thousands of years to disintegrate.
San Rafael, Calle Patriotas Mexicanos, Santa Teresa
One day a stranger came into the church of San Rafael, on Calle Patriotas Mexicanos, in the center of Santa Teresa, during the early service.
Santa Teresa asylum
Later Juan de Dios Martínez called the Santa Teresa asylum and asked whether they had an inmate who matched the description he had compiled.
No, said the director. I was born in Guadalajara and I studied in Mexico City and then in San Francisco, at Berkeley.
Mexico City
No, said the director. I was born in Guadalajara and I studied in Mexico City and then in San Francisco, at Berkeley.
San Francisco, at Berkeley
No, said the director. I was born in Guadalajara and I studied in Mexico City and then in San Francisco, at Berkeley.
Santa Catalina, Colonia Lomas del Toro
Two days later, the stranger got into the church of Santa Catalina, in Colonia Lomas del Toro, late at night when the building was closed, and he urinated and defecated on the altar, as well as decapitating almost all the statues in his path.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Colonia Reforma
Three days after the desecration of the church of Santa Catalina, in the early morning hours, the Penitent slipped into the church of Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, in Colonia Reforma, the oldest church in the city, built in the mideighteenth century and once the seat of the diocese of Santa Teresa.
University of Santa Teresa
Three priests and two young Pápago Indian seminarians who were studying anthropology and history at the University of Santa Teresa slept in an adjacent building, located at the corner of Calle Soler and Calle Ortiz Rubio.
Calle Soler
Juan de Dios Martínez examined the window the Penitent had come in through and then he went outside and spent a while walking along Calle Soler and then Calle Ortiz Rubio and through a plaza the residents used as free parking at night.
Calle Ortiz Rubio
Juan de Dios Martínez examined the window the Penitent had come in through and then he went outside and spent a while walking along Calle Soler and then Calle Ortiz Rubio and through a plaza the residents used as free parking at night.
It’s a long way from Kino to Reforma.
It’s a long way from Kino to Reforma.
Lomas del Toro
It’s a long way from Reforma to Lomas del Toro, too.
He wrote a report for the Hermosillo office and then he stood out by the vending machine and drank a cup of coffee.
Calle Yucatecos
Her body was found in the illegal dump near Calle Yucatecos, on the way to the Hermanos Corinto brick factory.
El Chile
The dump didn’t have a formal name, because it wasn’t supposed to be there, but it had an informal name: it was called El Chile.
Mexico City
In Mexico City they call them teporochos, but a teporocho is a survivor, a cynic and a humorist, compared to the human beings who swarmed alone or in pairs around El Chile.
especially if you consider that we’re in Mexico and religion has always been a problem here.
Colonia Michoacán
always at Elvira’s apartment in a new building in Colonia Michoacán, on a street of upper-middle-class houses
Around this time, Pedro Negrete traveled to Villaviciosa to hire someone trustworthy for his old friend Pedro Rengifo.
Santa Teresa
Epifanio tried to tune in a Santa Teresa radio station but he couldn’t get it and turned off the radio.
Santa Teresa
At El Altillo, when the first lights of Santa Teresa appeared, the police chief broke the silence into which the three of them had fallen.
Santa Teresa
At dusk they returned to Santa Teresa, children scattering through the countryside like defeated soldiers.
Santa Teresa
He’d been to Santa Teresa only once before, with some old women who had come to the market to sell herbs.
The bigger one was from the state of Jalisco.
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
The other was from Ciudad Juárez, in Chihuahua.
Buenavista subdivision
In September another dead woman was found, this time in a car in the Buenavista subdivision, past Colonia Lindavista.
Colonia Lindavista
In September another dead woman was found, this time in a car in the Buenavista subdivision, past Colonia Lindavista.
Colonia Maytorena
The rest of the week, visits were by appointment, and by eight there was no one left except the occasional pack of kids or dogs who had come down from Colonia Maytorena and couldn’t find their way back up.
Chicago, United States
According to some friends, Sandoval had relatives in Chicago.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
For a few days the police looked for Feliciano José Sandoval in Santa Teresa and Lomas de Poniente, the Tamaulipas town he was from...
Lomas de Poniente, Tamaulipas, Mexico
For a few days the police looked for Feliciano José Sandoval in Santa Teresa and Lomas de Poniente, the Tamaulipas town he was from...
Arsenio Farrell industrial park, Mexico
The next dead woman appeared in October, at the dump in the Arsenio Farrell industrial park.
El Progreso industrial park, Mexico
The odd thing about the case was that Marta Navales Gómez worked at Aiwo, a Japanese maquiladora located in the El Progreso industrial park...
Hipermercado Del Norte, Mexico
Subsequent questioning at Hipermercado Del Norte yielded the following results...
Santa Teresa, Mexico
An unsuccessful attempt was made to discover the whereabouts of Elsa Luz Pintado in Santa Teresa.
Patagonia, Arizona, United States
In Arizona he got lost in the desert and after walking for three days, he made it to Patagonia, badly dehydrated...
Tijuana, Mexico
The tall one from Tijuana liked to talk about California and the women he had met there.
California, USA
The tall one from Tijuana liked to talk about California and the women he had met there.
Juárez, Mexico
He told lies, stories appreciated only by his partner, the man from Juárez, who was quieter but struck Lalo as the less trustworthy of the two.
Calle Astrónomos, Colonia Madero
First she stopped at a boutique and then she went into a drugstore and later she decided to visit a friend on Calle Astrónomos, in Colonia Madero.
Colonia Veracruz
Her older brother, fifteen, worked as a delivery boy and messenger for a bakery not far from Calle Industrial, where they lived, in Colonia Veracruz.
Colonia Morelos
At the time, they all lived in Colonia Morelos, near the Arsenio Farrell industrial park, in a house Penélope’s father had built himself.
Hidalgo, Mexico
Both parents were from the state of Hidalgo, in the middle of the country, and both had migrated north in 1985, in search of work.
California, USA
He promised he would write as soon as he got to California.
Colonia Carranza
There were children there from Colonia Carranza and Colonia Veracruz and Colonia Morelos and even a few children from the center of the city.
Santa Teresa
For three days her brother crisscrossed Santa Teresa on exhausting walks looking for a black car.
Colonia San Damián
A week later her body turned up. It was found by some city maintenance workers in a drainage pipe that ran beneath the city from Colonia San Damián to the El Ojito ravine.
El Ojito ravine
A week later her body turned up. It was found by some city maintenance workers in a drainage pipe that ran beneath the city from Colonia San Damián to the El Ojito ravine.
Casas Negras highway
A week later her body turned up. It was found by some city maintenance workers in a drainage pipe that ran beneath the city from Colonia San Damián to the El Ojito ravine, near the Casas Negras highway.
Calle Obispo
The tenement was on Calle Obispo, and after crossing a hall where the stairs began, the visitor came out into a huge courtyard, with a big fountain in the middle, around which rose three floors of flaking arcades where children played or neighbor women talked.
Santa Teresa
almost all Santa Teresa papers. The bottom ones were yellowing.
Colonia Centeno
Juan de Dios Martínez was ordered to stop working on the Penitent case and look into a series of armed robberies that had taken place in Colonia Centeno and Colonia Podestá.
Colonia Podestá
Juan de Dios Martínez was ordered to stop working on the Penitent case and look into a series of armed robberies that had taken place in Colonia Centeno and Colonia Podestá.
Huntsville, Arizona
She lived in Huntsville, about thirty miles from Santa Teresa, in Arizona, and she had been to El Adobe first, with a friend, and then they had driven across the border, ready for a sampling, at least, of Santa Teresa’s nonstop nightlife.
Santa Teresa
She lived in Huntsville, about thirty miles from Santa Teresa, in Arizona, and she had been to El Adobe first, with a friend, and then they had driven across the border, ready for a sampling, at least, of Santa Teresa’s nonstop nightlife.
Tombstone, Arizona
They both worked at a crafts factory in Huntsville that made Indian beads sold wholesale to tourist gift shops in Tombstone, Tucson, Phoenix, and Apache Junction.
Tucson, Arizona
They both worked at a crafts factory in Huntsville that made Indian beads sold wholesale to tourist gift shops in Tombstone, Tucson, Phoenix, and Apache Junction.
Phoenix, Arizona
They both worked at a crafts factory in Huntsville that made Indian beads sold wholesale to tourist gift shops in Tombstone, Tucson, Phoenix, and Apache Junction.
Apache Junction, Arizona
They both worked at a crafts factory in Huntsville that made Indian beads sold wholesale to tourist gift shops in Tombstone, Tucson, Phoenix, and Apache Junction.
Lucy Anne had been born in a little town in Mississippi.
She was from California, but she was happy in Arizona, where there weren’t many people and life was more relaxed.
Plaza de Armas
Then they drove randomly around the center, visiting the city’s historic landmarks: the cathedral, the town hall, some old colonial buildings, the colonnaded Plaza de Armas.
Calle Verdejo, Colonia Centro-Norte
The consulate was on Calle Verdejo, in Colonia Centro-Norte, not far from where she’d been the night before, and it was still closed.
Colonia Rubén Darío
Before it got dark she checked out several hotels. The ones that seemed good were too expensive and finally she got a room at a boardinghouse in Colonia Rubén Darío, without private bath or television.
Colonia Lomas del Toro
In Colonia Lomas del Toro once again, a month later, the body of Rebeca Fernández de Hoyos, thirty-three, was found.
El Catrín, Calle Xalapa, Colonia Rubén Darío
She had been a waitress at El Catrín, a bar on Calle Xalapa, in nearby Colonia Rubén Darío.
Holmes & West maquiladora
Previously she had worked at the Holmes & West and Aiwo maquiladoras, where she was fired for trying to organize a union.
Aiwo maquiladora
Previously she had worked at the Holmes & West and Aiwo maquiladoras, where she was fired for trying to organize a union.
Rebeca Fernández de Hoyos was from Oaxaca, although she had been living in the north of Sonora for more than ten years now.
When she was eighteen, she had lived in Tijuana, where she appeared on a register of prostitutes, and she had made several unsuccessful attempts to settle in the United States, brought back to Mexico four times by the migra.
Calle Sayuca, Colonia Las Flores
Pedro Pérez Ochoa lived at the end of Calle Sayuca, in Colonia Las Flores, in a shack built, rather skillfully, of adobe and bits of trash, with room for a mattress and a table, a few yards from the waste pipe of the EastWest maquiladora, where he had worked.
EastWest maquiladora
Pedro Pérez Ochoa lived at the end of Calle Sayuca, in Colonia Las Flores, in a shack built, rather skillfully, of adobe and bits of trash, with room for a mattress and a table, a few yards from the waste pipe of the EastWest maquiladora, where he had worked.
a sister who must be around sixty by now and a niece who had never married and lived in Cananea, where he was from too, but Cananea could start to feel small, stifling, tiny
Santa Teresa
he turned onto the Cananea–Santa Teresa highway, which was one of the prettiest highways he had ever seen in his life, especially at night, and drove nonstop to Santa Teresa
Calle Luciérnaga, Colonia Rubén Darío
where he had a cozy little house on Calle Luciérnaga, in Colonia Rubén Darío, you’re welcome to stay anytime, Harry, my friend
Avenida Madero-Norte
he visited a whorehouse called Internal Affairs, on Avenida Madero-Norte, where he spent a while drinking highballs
The first letter was from an old friend of Miguel’s who lived in Tijuana, although the envelope wasn’t postmarked, and it was a catalog of memories of the happy times they’d had together.
Santa Teresa
The second letter was from a woman. It had been postmarked in Santa Teresa itself.
Mexico City
The fourth letter was from another friend, and it might have come from Mexico City, although the postmark was illegible.
Chucarit, near Navojoa, in the south of Sonora
The last letter was from a girl from Chucarit, near Navojoa, in the south of Sonora, and, predictably, it was a love letter.
Casas Negras
In October the next victim was found at the new city dump, a festering heap a mile and a half long and half a mile wide in a gully south of the El Ojito ravine, off the Casas Negras highway.
A report was also issued on the conduct of the head of the judicial police in Hermosillo.
Santa Teresa
The building was on Calle Alondra, in Colonia Podestá, in the upper part of Santa Teresa.
Avenida Cuauhtémoc, Colonia San Damián
and some nights he would be at the site until two in the morning and then go home, to Avenida Cuauhtémoc, in Colonia San Damián.
Colonia Las Flores
The body was discovered by some women from Colonia Las Flores who had hung their washing on the edge of the lot, and it was they who called the Red Cross.
General Sepúlveda industrial park
The next day it was learned that the dead girl was Silvana Pérez Arjona, a machine operator at a maquiladora in the General Sepúlveda industrial park, not far from where the body had been found.
Colonia Lomas del Toro
She had been the only one in school, at Profesor Emilio Cervantes, a high school in Colonia Lomas del Toro.
Calle Prometeo
and finally moved into his house on Calle Prometeo.
Colonia Carranza
since he’d been seen with her on the dates in question, strutting around Colonia Carranza’s ramshackle park, where there’d been a carnival
Mexico City
Epifanio said they were books sent from Mexico City or Hermosillo
Epifanio said they were books sent from Mexico City or Hermosillo
Santa Teresa
the news was on Santa Teresa TV and in the two city papers
Before the year was over, Harry Magaña traveled to Chucarit and found the girl who had been writing love letters to Miguel Montes.
They went to buy themselves from the fishermen, driving along the coast from Huatabampo to Los Médanos and sometimes farther north, to Isla Lobos.
Los Médanos
They went to buy themselves from the fishermen, driving along the coast from Huatabampo to Los Médanos and sometimes farther north, to Isla Lobos.
Isla Lobos
They went to buy themselves from the fishermen, driving along the coast from Huatabampo to Los Médanos and sometimes farther north, to Isla Lobos.
Santa Teresa
Where do you think he is now? I don’t know, said María del Mar. In Santa Teresa?
Early in the morning he got to Tijuana. All he knew was that Miguel Montes’s friend in Tijuana was called Chucho.
Santa Barbara
Five years ago we took a course together in Santa Barbara, said Harry Magaña, do you remember?
Huntsville, Arizona
Fuck, of course, it’s the sheriff from Huntsville, Arizona.
East L.A.
The cop from East L.A. said his was fine, getting fatter every day.
Los Angeles
Are you in Los Angeles, Harry? the other man wanted to know.
Calle Oro
At three in the afternoon, under a blazing sun, he rang the bell at 401 Calle Oro.
Río Colorado
As he crossed the Río Colorado he saw a meteor in the sky, or a shooting star, and he made a silent wish as his mother had taught him.
San Luis
He drove the lonely road from San Luis to Los Vidrios, where he stopped and had two cups of coffee, his mind blank, feeling the hot liquid burning his esophagus as it went down.
This René Alvarado was from Guadalajara and according to what he said he had interests in the stock market.
Los Vidrios
He drove the lonely road from San Luis to Los Vidrios, where he stopped and had two cups of coffee, his mind blank, feeling the hot liquid burning his esophagus as it went down.
Then he turned onto the Los Vidrios–Sonoyta road and after that he headed south, toward Caborca.
Then he turned onto the Los Vidrios–Sonoyta road and after that he headed south, toward Caborca.
He turned east and passed through Altar, Pueblo Nuevo, and Santa Ana, finally ending up on the four-lane highway to Nogales and Santa Teresa.
Pueblo Nuevo
He turned east and passed through Altar, Pueblo Nuevo, and Santa Ana, finally ending up on the four-lane highway to Nogales and Santa Teresa.
Santa Ana
He turned east and passed through Altar, Pueblo Nuevo, and Santa Ana, finally ending up on the four-lane highway to Nogales and Santa Teresa.
He turned east and passed through Altar, Pueblo Nuevo, and Santa Ana, finally ending up on the four-lane highway to Nogales and Santa Teresa.
Santa Teresa
He turned east and passed through Altar, Pueblo Nuevo, and Santa Ana, finally ending up on the four-lane highway to Nogales and Santa Teresa.
Colonia Carranza
Miss Isela took a narrow, hardcover ledger out of a drawer and flipped through it. Elsa Fuentes, as far as we know, lives at 23 Calle Santa Catarina. And where is that? asked Harry Magaña. In Colonia Carranza, said Miss Isela.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
Elsita lives in Santa Teresa, said the woman.
Toconilco, Mexico
In Toconilco, said the woman.
Tepehuanes, Durango, Mexico
And where is Tepehuanes? yelled Harry Magaña. Why, in Durango, señor.
Hermosillo, Mexico
What he managed to get straight was that Lupe lived in Hermosillo.
Huntsville, USA
He took a nap at Demetrio Águila’s, on Calle Luciérnaga, and dreamed of a street in Huntsville.
Calle Portal de San Pablo, Santa Teresa, Mexico
Night was falling fast in Santa Teresa when Harry Magaña got to Calle Portal de San Pablo.
Santa Teresa
The first dead woman was found in a room at Mi Reposo, a hotel in the center of Santa Teresa.
In the hotel registry, Peñalva Brown had left an Hermosillo address.
Colonia Ciudad Nueva
Her name was Sofia Serrano and she had worked at three maquiladoras and as a waitress, and most recently as a whore in the vacant lots of Colonia Ciudad Nueva, behind the cemetery.
Colonia Estrella
The second dead woman turned up next to a trash can in Colonia Estrella.
Avenida Real
Shortly afterward she was identified as Olga Paredes Pacheco, twenty-five, salesgirl at a clothing store on Avenida Real, near the center of the city.
Calle Hermanos Redondo, in Colonia Rubén Darío
Olga Paredes Pacheco, twenty-five, salesgirl at a clothing store on Avenida Real, near the center of the city, single, five foot three, resident of Calle Hermanos Redondo, in Colonia Rubén Darío, where she lived with her younger sister, Elisa Paredes Pacheco.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
In May the American consul visited the mayor of Santa Teresa and then, along with the latter, paid an informal visit to the police chief.
Hermosillo, Mexico
But in July two dead women turned up, and the first protests were staged by a feminist organization, Women of Sonora for Democracy and Peace (WSDP), a group whose headquarters were in Hermosillo and that had only three members in Santa Teresa.
Querétaro, Mexico
Three days later it was learned that she was Paula García Zapatero, resident of Colonia Lomas del Toro, machine operator at the maquiladora TECNOSA, born in the state of Querétaro.
Sage, California, USA
The Tucson cops spoke with the consular officers Kurt A. Banks and Dick Henderson, since the consul was spending some time at his ranch in Sage, California, actually a rotting wooden cabin, on the far side of the Ramona Indian Reservation.
Escondido, California, USA
while his wife took a few months’ break with her sister in Escondido, near San Diego.
Tucson, Arizona, USA
In August 1995, the bodies of seven women were found, Florita Almada made her second appearance on Sonora television, and two Tucson cops came to Santa Teresa asking questions.
Santa Teresa
I’m talking about the women brutally murdered in Santa Teresa, I’m talking about the girls and the mothers of families and the workers from all walks of life who turn up dead each day in the neighborhoods and on the edges of that industrious city in the northern part of our state. I’m talking about Santa Teresa. I’m talking about Santa Teresa.
And then she said: it makes me very angry, it makes me frightened and angry what’s happening in the lovely state of Sonora, which is my homeland, the place I was born and will probably die.
When King Solomon ordered the Temple of Jerusalem to be built, he strictly forbade the use of iron as a support in the construction, even in the smallest details, and he also forbade the use of iron in circumcision, a practice, let it be said in passing and with no intention to offend, that might’ve had its purposes in those days and those deserts, but now, with modern hygiene, strikes me as unnecessary.
Santa Teresa–Cananea highway
As for the dead women of August 1995, the first was Aurora Muñoz Álvarez and her body was found on the pavement of the Santa Teresa–Cananea highway.
Colonia Trabajadores
The body of Emilia Escalante Sanjuán, thirty-three, was found, presenting multiple hematomas over the chest and neck. The body was discovered at the intersection of Michoacán and General Saavedra, in Colonia Trabajadores.
Colonia Morelos
Emilia Escalante Sanjuán lived in Colonia Morelos, in the west of the city, and worked at the maquiladora New-Markets.
Casas Negras highway
A week later the body of Estrella Ruiz Sandoval, seventeen, turned up next to the Casas Negras highway.
Santa Teresa
At eighteen she had come to Santa Teresa, where she worked at the HorizonW&E maquiladora and El Mueble Mexicano.
Calle Amistad, Colonia La Preciada
One day after Estrella Ruiz Sandoval’s body was found, the body of Mónica Posadas, twenty, was discovered in a vacant lot near Calle Amistad, in Colonia La Preciada.
Calle San Hipólito
The inspectors centered their investigation on the family circle and among the acquaintances of Mónica Posadas, who lived with her family on Calle San Hipólito, about six blocks from the vacant lot where the body was found.
Santa Teresa–Caborca highway
Two days after Mónica’s body was discovered in the vacant lot on Calle Amistad, the body of another dead woman appeared on the Santa Teresa–Caborca highway.
Colonia Madero
A week later, when August was nearing an end, the body of Jacqueline Ríos, twenty-five, salesgirl at a drugstore in Colonia Madero, was found next to the Santa Teresa–Cananea highway.
Calle Bulgaria, Colonia Madero
She had an apartment with a friend on Calle Bulgaria, in Colonia Madero, and both dreamed of going to live in California someday.
Santa Teresa
He hadn’t forgotten—although he wondered himself why the memory persisted—the days he’d spent in Santa Teresa or the killings of women, or the priest-killer called the Penitent, who had vanished as mysteriously as he’d appeared.
Colonia Guerrero
Usually they ended up at a bar frequented by whores in Colonia Guerrero, a huge lounge presided over by a seven-foot-tall plaster statue of Aphrodite.
Santa Teresa—Cananea highway
Three days after the discovery of Marisa Hernández Silva’s mutilated body, the body of an unidentified woman turned up next to the Santa Teresa—Cananea highway.
Cerro Estrella
At the end of September, the body of a thirteen-year-old girl was found on the east side of Cerro Estrella.
Calle Esperanza, Colonia Lomas del Toro
He talked to an older sister, who was married and lived on Calle Esperanza now, in Colonia Lomas del Toro.
The three liked the movies and on Sundays, though not every Sunday, they would go downtown, where they usually saw the double feature at the Rex.
Colonia Centeno
Other times they just window-shopped, looking at women’s clothes especially, or they went to a mall in Colonia Centeno.
Casas Negras
My father found it, said Rosa María Medina, in Casas Negras, and he carried it back all by himself.
Colonia Veracruz
It was just the two of us and then we went to the carnival in Colonia Veracruz and we forgot all about it.
Santa Teresa
In October no dead women turned up in Santa Teresa, in the city or the desert, and work to get rid of the illegal dump El Chile was permanently halted.
In October five judicial police inspectors were sent from Hermosillo to supplement the team of inspectors already in the city.
One of them came from Caborca, another from Ciudad Obregón, and the remaining three from Hermosillo.
Ciudad Obregón
One of them came from Caborca, another from Ciudad Obregón, and the remaining three from Hermosillo.
Colonia Veracruz
When he came to Calle Universidad he accelerated and headed off in the direction of Colonia Veracruz.
Santa Teresa
He owned two stores in Santa Teresa where he sold everything from Walkmans to computers, and he had another similar store in Tijuana.
He owned two stores in Santa Teresa where he sold everything from Walkmans to computers, and he had another similar store in Tijuana.
United States
He also traveled to the United States every two months, although not on a fixed date or in a regular way, except that none of his trips ever lasted more than three days.
He had lived for a while in Denver and left because of woman trouble.
Colonia El Cerezal
The place was in Colonia El Cerezal, a middle-class neighborhood of one- and two-story houses.
Colonia Madero
Far from the noise of Colonia Madero, which was a little farther out, and away from the din of the center.
That’s how he found out that Haas had never lived in Denver, but in Tampa, where he had been accused of attempted rape by a woman named Laurie Enciso.
Bielefeld, West Germany
He was born in Bielefeld, in the former West Germany, in 1955, and he immigrated to the United States in 1980.
Mexico, northern Sonora
Coming to live in Mexico, in northern Sonora, was evidently a fortunate choice, because he soon opened a second store in Santa Teresa.
Colonia Centeno
The other store was in Colonia Centeno.
Casas Negras
A few days later, also down in the valley but on the other side of the Casas Negras highway, the body of another girl was found...
El Obelisco
...and the same would be true if he had dumped the first body on the opposite side of the highway, in other words near the settlement of El Obelisco...
Santa Teresa
...which was neither a village nor exactly a suburb of Santa Teresa, but a way station for the poorest of the poor...
Cananea highway
A week after the discovery of the corpse of the thirteen-year-old girl on the outskirts of El Obelisco, the body of a girl of about sixteen was found by the Cananea highway.
Cerro Estrella
Almost at the same time, the body of another girl, approximately sixteen years old, was found, stabbed and mauled... on the slopes of Cerro Estrella...
General Sepúlveda industrial park
The first was Beverly Beltrán Hoyos. She was sixteen and she worked at a maquiladora in General Sepúlveda industrial park.
Colonia Remedios Mayor
The second victim of the day, and the last of March, was found in a vacant lot west of Colonia Remedios Mayor and the illegal dump El Chile...
Santa Teresa
The mayor of Santa Teresa announced to the press that the city could relax, the killer was behind bars and the subsequent killings of women were the work of common criminals.
Julián Centeno was forty-eight, and the dancer, according to the girls she worked with, was no more than twenty-three. He was from Veracruz and she was from Mexico City and they had come to Sonora a few years ago.
Mexico City
Julián Centeno was forty-eight, and the dancer, according to the girls she worked with, was no more than twenty-three. He was from Veracruz and she was from Mexico City and they had come to Sonora a few years ago.
Julián Centeno was forty-eight, and the dancer, according to the girls she worked with, was no more than twenty-three. He was from Veracruz and she was from Mexico City and they had come to Sonora a few years ago.
Colonia Madero-Norte
At her small, sparsely furnished apartment at 79 Calle Lorenzo Covarrubias in Colonia Madero-Norte, no documents were found that might clear up the identity of the victim.
Casas Negras highway
A few days after the murder of Paula Sánchez Garcés, the body of a girl of about seventeen, five foot seven, long hair, and slight build, appeared by the Casas Negras highway.
Pueblo Azul highway
At the end of June, the body of another woman, approximately twenty-one, was found on the way out of Colonia El Cerezal, near the Pueblo Azul highway.
Colonia San Bartolomé
The two of them still lived in Santa Teresa, in Colonia San Bartolomé, and both worked at a maquiladora in Arsenio Farrell industrial park.
Arsenio Farrell industrial park
The two of them still lived in Santa Teresa, in Colonia San Bartolomé, and both worked at a maquiladora in Arsenio Farrell industrial park.
Colonia Maytorena
The latter occupied himself walking around Colonia Maytorena and Colonia Cerezal, accompanied by an old shopkeeper who had been a policeman.
Colonia Cerezal
The latter occupied himself walking around Colonia Maytorena and Colonia Cerezal, accompanied by an old shopkeeper who had been a policeman.
Colonia Aurora
Segovia made a living acting as a middleman for the dogfights held in a few yards in Colonia Aurora.
Pueblo Azul highway
Then they made their way into the desert and proceeded to rape her. First Olivárez raped her. Then he ordered his cousin to rape her too, which his cousin refused to do at first. Olivárez’s manner, however, convinced him that opposition could be fatal. After the two of them had raped her, Olivárez attacked his wife with the knife, stabbing her over and over. Then, with their hands, they dug a hole, inadequate by any measure, and that was where they left the body.
Colonia Madero
He walked for forty-five minutes to Colonia Madero, where he waited half an hour for the Avenida Madero–Avenida Carranza bus.
Colonia Carranza
He got off in Colonia Carranza and walked north, crossing Colonia Veracruz and Colonia Ciudad Nueva, until he came to Avenida Cementerio.
Colonia Veracruz
He got off in Colonia Carranza and walked north, crossing Colonia Veracruz and Colonia Ciudad Nueva, until he came to Avenida Cementerio.
Colonia Ciudad Nueva
He got off in Colonia Carranza and walked north, crossing Colonia Veracruz and Colonia Ciudad Nueva, until he came to Avenida Cementerio.
Avenida Cementerio
He got off in Colonia Carranza and walked north, crossing Colonia Veracruz and Colonia Ciudad Nueva, until he came to Avenida Cementerio.
Colonia San Bartolomé
From there it was a straight shot to where he lived in Colonia San Bartolomé.
Santa Teresa
The happy ending of the Erica Mendoza case earned the Santa Teresa police a modicum of trust in the media.
Mexico City
In the Sonora media, that is, because in Mexico City a feminist group called Women in Action (WA) made a TV appearance denouncing the endless trickle of deaths in Santa Teresa and asking the government to send Mexico City investigators to Santa Teresa to resolve the situation, since by all accounts the problem was too much for the Sonora police, who were incapable of handling it, if not complicit.
And why this scorn for the seer from Hermosillo?
Cananea highway
In July, the body of a girl was found some five hundred yards from the pavement of the Cananea highway.
University of Santa Teresa
Those studies were carried out by three students of forensic medicine at the University of Santa Teresa, and their conclusions were filed and then lost.
The missing person reports were checked and the dead woman turned out to be Guadalupe Elena Blanco. She had arrived in Santa Teresa from Pachuca less than a week before, with her father, mother, and three younger siblings.
El Progreso industrial park
The day of her disappearance she had a job interview at a maquiladora in the El Progreso industrial park and that was the last anyone saw of her.
Pueblo Azul
On the last day of September, however, the bodies of two women were found near Pueblo Azul.
Santa Teresa
The place they were discovered was a spot the motorcyclists of Santa Teresa used for races.
Rillito, outside of Tucson
After the American police were informed, the dead women were revealed to be the Reynolds sisters, from Rillito, outside of Tucson, Lola and Janet Reynolds, thirty and forty-four respectively, both with drug-trafficking records.
Maybe they crossed the border with their victims and killed them when they got to Sonora, or maybe they killed them in Arizona, two shots each to the head, the women still half asleep, and then crossed the border and left them near Pueblo Azul.
Maybe they crossed the border with their victims and killed them when they got to Sonora, or maybe they killed them in Arizona, two shots each to the head, the women still half asleep, and then crossed the border and left them near Pueblo Azul.
Santa Teresa
In October the body of another woman was found in the desert, south of Santa Teresa, between two country roads.
Santa Teresa prison
In October, too, Jesús Chimal of Los Caciques, responsible for the death of Linda Vázquez, was admitted to the Santa Teresa prison.
María Sandra had been born in a town in the state of Nayarit.
They were Mexicans, they sounded like they were from Sonora, and they seemed loose, ready to party all night.
Some models had begun to be seen regularly in Santa Teresa, especially among the small groups involved in drug trafficking or among kidnappers out of Sinaloa.
Podestá ravine
In the middle of November the body of another dead woman was discovered in the Podestá ravine.
Colonia La Preciada
She lived with a friend in a modest house, though it had electricity and running water, in Colonia La Preciada.
Podestá ravine
Three days after the discovery of Luisa Cardona’s body, the body of another woman was found in the same Podestá ravine.
Colonia El Cerezal
The area they were assigned to that day stretched from Colonia El Cerezal to Colonia Las Cumbres.
Colonia Las Cumbres
The area they were assigned to that day stretched from Colonia El Cerezal to Colonia Las Cumbres.
Santa Teresa
taking him out to eat at the only place that served posole in the center of Santa Teresa at that murky time of night.
Colonia El Cerezal
the bodies of Estefanía Rivas, fifteen, and Herminia Noriega, thirteen, were found in an empty house on Calle García Herrero, in Colonia El Cerezal.
José Vasconcelos Primary School
The two little girls and Herminia went to José Vasconcelos Primary School.
Did he say where he was going? he asked. Yuma, answered his father.
Santa Teresa
others said it was a strange man who didn’t speak to anyone in the neighborhood and sometimes didn’t appear for days, as if he worked outside of Santa Teresa
Paris, France
She dreamed about flying to Paris, where she would rent a tiny apartment, a studio, say between Villiers and Porte de Clichy, and then she would go to see a famous doctor, a wonder-working plastic surgeon...
Santa Teresa
She confessed that she sometimes dreamed of giving up everything. In other words, making a drastic break, no holds barred. She dreamed, for example, of selling her apartment and two other properties she owned in Santa Teresa...
Santa Teresa
it was reported or hinted at in some Mexican media that films of real murders, snuff films, were being shot in the north, and that the capital of snuff was Santa Teresa.
Colonia del Valle
One night two reporters talked to General Humberto Paredes, the former police chief of Mexico City, in his walled castle in Colonia del Valle.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
In January, the correspondent for a Buenos Aires newspaper spent three days in Santa Teresa on his way to Los Angeles and wrote a story about the city and the killings of women.
Santa Teresa
In January, the correspondent for a Buenos Aires newspaper spent three days in Santa Teresa on his way to Los Angeles and wrote a story about the city and the killings of women.
Los Angeles, USA
In January, the correspondent for a Buenos Aires newspaper spent three days in Santa Teresa on his way to Los Angeles and wrote a story about the city and the killings of women.
Phoenix, USA
The next day he took a bus to Phoenix and caught a plane from there to Los Angeles, where he spent his days interviewing any actors who would agree to be interviewed, which wasn’t many, and his nights writing a long article about the killings of women in Santa Teresa.
Tigre, Argentina
Two days later they left for Tigre. After a week of filming the whole team returned to Buenos Aires.
Pampa, Argentina
A little later, in a fleet of two trucks and a pickup, they left for the pampa. They looked, said one of the Argentinean actors, like a troupe of gypsies heading into the unknown.
New York, USA
In New York he tried in vain to forget her. The first few days were tinged with melancholy and regret and JT thought he would never recover.
Calle Corrientes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
In Buenos Aires, meanwhile, Mike edited the film in a cheap studio that he rented by the hour, on Calle Corrientes.
At the same time of day, cops at the end of their shifts met for breakfast at Trejo’s, a long coffee shop like a coffin, with few windows.
Santa Teresa
This kind of event was as popular among Santa Teresa cops as jokes about women.
raped by a Belgian soldier in a one-room adobe house outside Villaviciosa.
Santa Teresa
A week later Rafael Expósito borrowed a rifle and went walking to Santa Teresa.
Colonia México
the whores who back then walked the streets of Colonia México, near the border and the American town of El Adobe
Teatro Carlota
The first day he spent searching for Celestino Arraya’s haunts and a place to sleep for free.
El Adobe
the whores who back then walked the streets of Colonia México, near the border and the American town of El Adobe
Hermosillo, Mexico
Sergio González went looking for Florita Almada at Hermosillo’s Channel 7 studios.
Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, said Sergio. Crazy city, said the driver.
Bahía Kino, Mexico
I went with him to his room, said Reinaldo, the best suite at the best hotel in Bahía Kino.
Tijuana, Mexico
I remember I turned on the TV and found a late-night show out of Tijuana, a talk show.
Berkeley, California, USA
At the time, José Patricio was in love with a gringo, a law professor at Berkeley.
Santa Teresa
Yolanda Palacio said it wasn’t all bad in Santa Teresa.
a blessing for so many women from Oaxaca or Zacatecas.
a blessing for so many women from Oaxaca or Zacatecas.
sent samples to the crime lab analysts in Hermosillo for confirmation
Casas Negras highway
Aurora Ibánez Medel, whose disappearance had been reported a few weeks ago by her husband, appeared dead by the side of the Casas Negras highway.
Colonia Maytorena
In July, the body of a woman was found in a sewage ditch to the east of Colonia Maytorena, not far from a dirt track and some high-voltage electrical towers.
Santa Teresa cemetery
After the necessary procedures, the case was shelved and her body was tossed into the public grave in the Santa Teresa cemetery.
Santa Teresa
At the end of July, the Santa Teresa authorities, in collaboration with Sonora state officials, invited the investigator Albert Kessler to the city.
Calle Javier Paredes
In September, the body of Ana Muñoz Sanjuán was found behind some trash cans on Calle Javier Paredes, between Colonia Félix Gómez and Colonia Centro.
Colonia Rubén Darío
The victim’s name was Ana Muñoz Sanjuán and she was eighteen. She lived on Calle Maestro Caicedo in Colonia Rubén Darío, where she shared a house with three other women.
El Gran Chaparral
She lived on Calle Maestro Caicedo in Colonia Rubén Darío, where she shared a house with three other women, and she worked as a waitress at El Gran Chaparral, a coffee shop in the historic district of Santa Teresa.
Santa Teresa
none of the women reported missing in Santa Teresa fit the description.
Paris, France
He had traveled to Paris (France), London (England), Rome (Italy), where his name was known and those who attended his lectures brought along his book.
London, England
He had traveled to Paris (France), London (England), Rome (Italy), where his name was known and those who attended his lectures brought along his book.
Rome, Italy
He had traveled to Paris (France), London (England), Rome (Italy), where his name was known and those who attended his lectures brought along his book.
Moscow, Russia
He had traveled to Moscow (Russia) and St. Petersburg (Russia) and Warsaw (Poland).
St. Petersburg, Russia
He had traveled to Moscow (Russia) and St. Petersburg (Russia) and Warsaw (Poland).
Warsaw, Poland
He had traveled to Moscow (Russia) and St. Petersburg (Russia) and Warsaw (Poland).
Pemex soccer fields, between the Cananea highway and the railroad
On October 10, near the Pemex soccer fields, between the Cananea highway and the railroad, the body of Leticia Borrego García, eighteen, was found, half buried and in an advanced state of decomposition.
Santa Teresa
The night before Albert Kessler arrived in Santa Teresa, at four in the morning, Sergio González Rodríguez got a call from Azucena Esquivel Plata, reporter and PRI congresswoman.
First he flew to Tucson and in Tucson he boarded a small plane that landed at the Santa Teresa airport.
Sonora desert
but the desert suite, since from the terrace, which faced south and west, there was a sweeping view of the Sonora desert in all its grandeur and solitude.
Sonora, Mexico
They’re from Sonora, said Haas, and also from Arizona.
Arizona, USA
They’re from Sonora, said Haas, and also from Arizona.
Santa Teresa
So where do they live? asked one of the reporters. In Santa Teresa, but they have another house in Phoenix.
Phoenix, USA
So where do they live? asked one of the reporters. In Santa Teresa, but they have another house in Phoenix.
Hermosillo, Mexico
They wouldn’t be related to that Uribe from Hermosillo, would they?
Tucson, USA
He also owns property in Phoenix and Tucson.
Sinaloa, Mexico
His brother, Joaquín Uribe, has several hotels in Sonora and Sinaloa and a chain of coffee shops in Santa Teresa.
Colonia Hidalgo
On October 10, the same day Leticia Borrego García’s body was found near the Pemex soccer fields, the body of Lucía Domínguez Roa was found in Colonia Hidalgo, on the sidewalk along Calle Perséfone.
Colonia México
The next morning, however, a distinctly different statement was issued. It said that Lucía Domínguez Roa had worked as a waitress at a bar in Colonia México and that the cause of death was a gunshot wound to the abdomen.
Colonia Tlalpan
The Mercedes entered Colonia Tlalpan, circled around several times, and finally turned down a cobblestone street of moonlit houses behind high walls, houses that appeared to be uninhabited or in ruins.
Do you know La Casa Elizondo? No, said Sergio. It’s in Coyoacán, said the congresswoman.
Santa Teresa
On the very day he arrived in Santa Teresa, Kessler left the hotel on his own.
Colonia Madero-Norte
They circled the center of the city, driving through Colonia Madero-Norte and Colonia México and almost to the border, where you could make out El Adobe, which was on American soil.
Colonia México
They circled the center of the city, driving through Colonia Madero-Norte and Colonia México and almost to the border, where you could make out El Adobe, which was on American soil.
El Adobe
They circled the center of the city, driving through Colonia Madero-Norte and Colonia México and almost to the border, where you could make out El Adobe, which was on American soil.
Colonia Madero
Then they went back to Madero-Norte and cruised the streets of Colonia Madero and Colonia Reforma.
Colonia Reforma
Then they went back to Madero-Norte and cruised the streets of Colonia Madero and Colonia Reforma.
Colonia Félix Gómez
The driver headed back across Colonia Centro and set off in the direction of Colonia Félix Gómez, where he turned onto Avenida Carranza and drove through Colonia Veracruz, Colonia Carranza, and Colonia Morelos.
Avenida Carranza
The driver headed back across Colonia Centro and set off in the direction of Colonia Félix Gómez, where he turned onto Avenida Carranza and drove through Colonia Veracruz, Colonia Carranza, and Colonia Morelos.
Colonia Veracruz
The driver headed back across Colonia Centro and set off in the direction of Colonia Félix Gómez, where he turned onto Avenida Carranza and drove through Colonia Veracruz, Colonia Carranza, and Colonia Morelos.
Colonia Carranza
The driver headed back across Colonia Centro and set off in the direction of Colonia Félix Gómez, where he turned onto Avenida Carranza and drove through Colonia Veracruz, Colonia Carranza, and Colonia Morelos.
Colonia Morelos
The driver headed back across Colonia Centro and set off in the direction of Colonia Félix Gómez, where he turned onto Avenida Carranza and drove through Colonia Veracruz, Colonia Carranza, and Colonia Morelos.
Arsenio Farrell industrial park
At the edge of the dirt plaza, the road split, each branch in turn splitting in two. The six roads were paved and met at Arsenio Farrell industrial park.
General Sepúlveda industrial park
South, past the distant shacks, he spotted an island of light and knew right away that it was another industrial park. He asked the driver what it was called. The driver got out and looked for a while in the direction Kessler had pointed. That must be General Sepúlveda industrial park, he said.
It had been a while since Kessler saw such a beautiful sunset. The colors swirled in the evening sky and he was reminded of a sunset he had seen many years ago in Kansas.
Santa Teresa penitentiary
If it had been up to her, everyone around her, the shadowy figures on the edges of the photograph, would have disappeared instantly, and so would the room, the prison, jailers and jailed, the hundred-year-old walls of the Santa Teresa penitentiary, and all that was left would be a crater, and in the crater there would be only silence and the vague presence of the lawyer and Haas, chained in the depths.
Santa Teresa
Do you want me to answer as a resident of Santa Teresa or as a forensic scientist? asked Garibay in return.
Cerro La Asunción
At the beginning of November, a group of hikers from a Santa Teresa private school found the remains of a woman on the steepest side of Cerro La Asunción, also known as Cerro Dávila.
Santa Teresa hospital
With the help of the hikers, who were still there, the inspector was taken to a Santa Teresa hospital.
she sold their house in Coyoacán and they went to live in an apartment in Colonia Roma
Colonia Roma
she sold their house in Coyoacán and they went to live in an apartment in Colonia Roma
New York
Then they left the Roma apartment and moved to New York
Cerro Estrella
That same day Kessler was at Cerro Estrella and he walked around Colonia Estrella and Colonia Hidalgo and explored the area along the Pueblo Azul highway
Colonia Estrella
That same day Kessler was at Cerro Estrella and he walked around Colonia Estrella and Colonia Hidalgo and explored the area along the Pueblo Azul highway
Colonia Hidalgo
That same day Kessler was at Cerro Estrella and he walked around Colonia Estrella and Colonia Hidalgo and explored the area along the Pueblo Azul highway
Pueblo Azul highway
That same day Kessler was at Cerro Estrella and he walked around Colonia Estrella and Colonia Hidalgo and explored the area along the Pueblo Azul highway
Colonia México
and then he wanted to see the neighborhoods along the border, Colonia México, next to El Adobe, at which point you were back in the United States
El Adobe
and then he wanted to see the neighborhoods along the border, Colonia México, next to El Adobe, at which point you were back in the United States
Avenida General Sepúlveda
and then he made his entourage turn south along Avenida General Sepúlveda and the Cananea highway
Cananea highway
and then he made his entourage turn south along Avenida General Sepúlveda and the Cananea highway
Colonia La Vistosa
where they took a detour into Colonia La Vistosa, a place the police almost never ventured
Colonia Kino
as if the absence of police in Colonia La Vistosa and Colonia Kino and Colonia Remedios Mayor was a shameful stain
Colonia Remedios Mayor
as if the absence of police in Colonia La Vistosa and Colonia Kino and Colonia Remedios Mayor was a shameful stain
El Chile
and told the driver to take him to the illegal dump El Chile, the biggest illegal dump in Santa Teresa
Santa Teresa
and told the driver to take him to the illegal dump El Chile, the biggest illegal dump in Santa Teresa
Colonia San Bartolomé
On November 16, the body of another woman was found on the back lot of the Kusai maquiladora, in Colonia San Bartolomé.
Avenida Carranza
Rosario Marquina, nineteen, who disappeared on November 12 while she was out dancing at Salón Montana, on Avenida Carranza
Colonia Veracruz
not far from Colonia Veracruz, where they lived
New York, USA
She tried to be a theater actress in New York, a movie actress in Los Angeles, tried to be a model in Paris, a photographer in London, a translator in Spain.
Los Angeles, USA
She tried to be a theater actress in New York, a movie actress in Los Angeles, tried to be a model in Paris, a photographer in London, a translator in Spain.
Paris, France
She tried to be a theater actress in New York, a movie actress in Los Angeles, tried to be a model in Paris, a photographer in London, a translator in Spain.
London, UK
She tried to be a theater actress in New York, a movie actress in Los Angeles, tried to be a model in Paris, a photographer in London, a translator in Spain.
Cayman Islands
dealers fly off one day to the Cayman Islands
She tried to be a theater actress in New York, a movie actress in Los Angeles, tried to be a model in Paris, a photographer in London, a translator in Spain.
Mexico City, Mexico
It was the perfect moment to return to Mexico. In Mexico City it would be easy for her to find work.
Colonia Kino, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
La Vistosa, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Remedios Mayor, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
La Preciada, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Colonia Las Flores, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Colonia Plata, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Álamos, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Lomas del Toro, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Avenida Rubén Darío, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Avenida Carranza, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Colonia San Bartolomé, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Ciudad Nueva, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Colonia Las Rositas, Mexico
Colonia Kino, La Vistosa, Remedios Mayor, and La Preciada to the southeast, Colonia Las Flores, Colonia Plata, Álamos, Lomas del Toro to the west, the neighborhoods near the industrial parks and along both sides of Avenida Rubén Darío and Avenida Carranza like a double spinal cord, and Colonia San Bartolomé, Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Nueva, Colonia Las Rositas to the northeast.
Santa Teresa
When the reporters left the Santa Teresa penitentiary, the lawyer laid her head on the table and began to sob very softly...
Calle Sucre in Colonia Rubén Darío
On November 25, the body of María Elena Torres, thirty-two, was found in her house on Calle Sucre in Colonia Rubén Darío.
Santa Teresa
Two days earlier, on November 23, there had been a march of women across Santa Teresa, from the university to city hall, protesting the killings of women and the climate of impunity.
The case was assigned to Inspector Luis Villaseñor, recently arrived from Hermosillo...
Colonia La Vistosa
This Escobar lived in Colonia La Vistosa and had no known occupation.
El Chile, the illegal dump
The three men worked picking through the trash at El Chile, the illegal dump.
The history of Mexico wouldn’t make sense otherwise.
Santa Teresa
Albert Kessler’s first lecture at the University of Santa Teresa was a popular success
Mexico City
had moved to Mexico City, where they were studying at one of the universities there
Colonia Madero
a cheap restaurant in Colonia Madero where the reporter from La Raza was eating
Santa Teresa, Sonora
Three months later, Kelly disappeared in Santa Teresa, Sonora.
Kelly had left for the airport the day after the party, to catch the Santa Teresa–Hermosillo flight.
Mexico City
Kelly had left for the airport the day after the party, to catch the Santa Teresa–Hermosillo flight, and then she had planned to fly from Hermosillo to Mexico City.
Los Angeles
I imagined her in Los Angeles or San Francisco, two perfect cities for lovers looking to have a good time and not attract attention.
San Francisco
I imagined her in Los Angeles or San Francisco, two perfect cities for lovers looking to have a good time and not attract attention.
El Rostro Pálido
we agreed to meet at El Rostro Pálido, a fashionable coffee shop
Santa Teresa
according to his sources, laundered money for the Santa Teresa cartel, which was like saying the Sonora cartel.
according to his sources, laundered money for the Santa Teresa cartel, which was like saying the Sonora cartel.
The next day, first thing, after spending a sleepless night, I got on a plane to Hermosillo and then another to Santa Teresa.
Santa Teresa
The next day, first thing, after spending a sleepless night, I got on a plane to Hermosillo and then another to Santa Teresa.
Tubac, Arizona
Hernández Mercado had probably gone completely out of his head and now he might be wandering one of the state parks, Tubac or Patagonia Lake, eating berries and talking to himself.
Patagonia Lake, Arizona
Hernández Mercado had probably gone completely out of his head and now he might be wandering one of the state parks, Tubac or Patagonia Lake, eating berries and talking to himself.
Green Valley, Arizona
First she was in Green Valley, at the offices of La Raza, and she talked to the editor, another man who looked like a farmworker, and to the reporter who had written up Hernández Mercado’s disappearance.
Sonoita, Arizona
Then she went to Sonoita with the boy. Before they visited the sheriff’s office they stopped at Hernández Mercado’s house.
California, USA
The sheriff told her that Hernández Mercado was probably in California by now.
Casas Negras highway, Arizona
On December 10, some workers at the ranch La Perdición informed the police of the discovery of some bones at the edge of the ranch, around mile fifteen of the Casas Negras highway.
Santa Teresa
In total, I spent two nights in Santa Teresa, staying at the Hotel México...
Mexico City
The first thing I did when I got to Mexico City was go to see a friend who had worked for the Mexico City attorney general’s office...
I also read that between 1990 and 1994 Kelly had flown at least ten times to Hermosillo...
There were names, people from Mexico City, parties in Acapulco, Mazatlán, Oaxaca...
There were names, people from Mexico City, parties in Acapulco, Mazatlán, Oaxaca...
There were names, people from Mexico City, parties in Acapulco, Mazatlán, Oaxaca...
Santa Teresa
I want you to go to Santa Teresa and sniff around.
Seattle, United States
He went off to the United States, to a clinic in Seattle, where he held out for three months and then he died.
Colonia Nápoles
I visited him only once, he lived alone in an apartment in Colonia Nápoles.
Laminaria digitata is native to cold waters like the Baltic, the North Sea, and the Atlantic.
North Sea
Laminaria digitata is native to cold waters like the Baltic, the North Sea, and the Atlantic.
Laminaria digitata is native to cold waters like the Baltic, the North Sea, and the Atlantic.
It was a warm-water species found from the southern coasts of Great Britain to the Mediterranean.
English Channel
It grew in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the English Channel, and the North Sea.
North Sea
It grew in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the English Channel, and the North Sea.
Village of Red Men
Sometimes he would walk east out of town, along a dirt road through the forest, and he would come to the Village of Red Men, where all they did was sell peat.
Village of Blue Women
If he walked farther east, there was the Village of Blue Women, in the middle of a lake that dried up in the summer.
Town of the Fat
Beyond the Village of Blue Women was the Town of the Fat. It smelled bad there, like blood and rotting meat.
Egg Village
On other occasions his steps took him west, and he walked down the main street of Egg Village, which each year was farther and farther from the rocks.
Pig Village
It wasn’t far from Egg Village to Pig Village, a village he imagined his father never visited, where there were many pigstys and the happiest herds of pigs for miles around.
Town of Chattering Girls
And farther on was the Town of Chattering Girls, girls who went to parties and dances in even bigger towns whose names the young Hans Reiter heard and immediately forgot.
The first time was during the summer and he was saved by a young tourist from Berlin who was spending his holidays in the Town of Chattering Girls.
and for three or four seconds the island of Prussia seemed to rise from the depths.
Moscow to Madrid
He believed in the intrinsic goodness of humankind, he claimed that a person who was pure of heart could walk from Moscow to Madrid without being accosted by anyone.
Village of Blue Women
The second time young Hans Reiter almost drowned was in winter, when he went with some fishermen to cast nets across from the Village of Blue Women.
And he wondered: should I return to Berlin, should I take my doctor more seriously, should I embark on a course of self-examination?
Town of Chattering Girls
At twelve Hans had begun to attend a school in the Town of Chattering Girls.
helper to a farmer who traveled to Stettin to sell his vegetables
the baron, who rarely visited the country house, busy as he was with his affairs in Berlin and Paris
the baron, who rarely visited the country house, busy as he was with his affairs in Berlin and Paris
south of France
a painter who had settled in the south of France, despised by the baron
Town of Chattering Girls
cart drawn by a draft horse that in such cases usually conveyed him to the train station in the Town of Chattering Girls
Pig Village
One, the longest, passed Pig Village and Egg Village and occasionally ran along the rocks and the sea
Egg Village
One, the longest, passed Pig Village and Egg Village and occasionally ran along the rocks and the sea
Berlin, Germany
Halder talked about his life, his dead mother, his uncle the baron, his only cousin (that unattainable and headstrong girl), about the temptations of Berlin, a city he loved but that also caused him untold suffering, at times unbearably fierce, about the state of his nerves, always near the breaking point.
About his father, the painter who lived in France, Halder never spoke, but at the same time he liked to hear about other people’s parents.
Berlin, Germany
But he didn’t like alcohol, or he didn’t like it any more than food, and when his team was stationed near Berlin he gave his notice and headed off.
The first real battle in which Reiter took part was on the outskirts of Kutno, where the Poles were few and poorly armed but showed no inclination to surrender.
Maginot Line
From October 1939 to June 1940 they didn’t budge. Ahead was the Maginot Line, though they couldn’t see it from where they lay hidden in forests and orchards.
He saw the one-legged man, wrapped in his old military cloak, staring out at the Baltic and wondering where the island of Prussia had hidden itself.
The doctor, a tiredlooking man from Munich, examined him and said that Gustav had experienced an episode of auditory schizophrenia.
For the 79th Infantry Division there was nothing epic about the war on the western front. In June, after the Somme offensive, they crossed the Maginot Line with few surprises and participated in the siege of a few thousand French soldiers near Nancy.
Then the division was quartered in Normandy.
Soviet frontier
Some troops set up camp near the Soviet frontier, others near the new border with Hungary.
Some troops set up camp near the Soviet frontier, others near the new border with Hungary.
Hans’s battalion was stationed in the Carpathians.
The headquarters of the division...was located in Bucharest.
For the first few weeks of his stay in Romania all he saw were soldiers from his own battalion.
Dracula's castle
And what are you doing here, at Dracula’s castle?” asked the baroness.
Heart of Autumn forest, outside Potsdam
the duel took place in the Heart of Autumn forest, outside Potsdam, a place that she, the Baroness Von Zumpe, had visited many years later
Paris, France
Shortly afterward Halder ran away with my father’s sister. For a while they lived in Paris and then in the south of France
south of France
Shortly afterward Halder ran away with my father’s sister. For a while they lived in Paris and then in the south of France
Berlin, Germany
Then they got married and settled in Berlin, or so I heard.
those landscapes could be seen anywhere in Romania
Bucharest, Romania
a laugh that in Bucharest’s most fashionable circles was described
Transylvania, Romania
had come to live with some of his loyal retainers in Transylvania
Berlin, Germany
the girl’s sisters and the city of Berlin and world peace and the children of the world
Tenochtitlán, Mexico
the Aztecs, those Aztecs,” said the girl, “the ones who lived in Tenochtitlán and Tlatelolco
Tlatelolco, Mexico
the Aztecs, those Aztecs,” said the girl, “the ones who lived in Tenochtitlán and Tlatelolco
Geneva, Switzerland
I imagine those cities to be like Geneva and Montreux. Once I was with my family on holiday in Switzerland.
Montreux, Switzerland
I imagine those cities to be like Geneva and Montreux. Once I was with my family on holiday in Switzerland.
Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Lake Geneva is marvelous in summer, although there are perhaps too many mosquitoes.
Lausanne, Switzerland
there are many towns on the lake, like Lausanne, which is bigger than Montreux
Vevey, Switzerland
there are many towns on the lake, like Lausanne, which is bigger than Montreux, or Vevey, or Evian.
Evian, France
there are many towns on the lake, like Lausanne, which is bigger than Montreux, or Vevey, or Evian.
Paris, France
“He lives in Paris,” said the girl with a sigh. “I don’t have the address.”
they crossed the Prut and fought and then they fought some more on the steppes and hills of Bessarabia
they crossed the Dniester and came to the outskirts of Odessa
Bug River
then they crossed the Bug and kept advancing
Dnieper River
After the Bug, the division crossed the Dnieper
Crimean peninsula
and forged into the Crimean peninsula
Reiter fought in Perekop and several villages near Perekop
During the battle for Chornomorske, in which the 310th Regiment and especially Reiter’s battalion played an important role
the first during an attack on a brick fortification on the outskirts of Kirovske
at the junction of Chernishove, Kirovske, and Chornomorske
The second time he almost died was during the capture of Chornomorske.
The two main regiments of the 79th Division led the attack after all the divisional artillery was concentrated near the piers, at the head of the road that linked Chornomorske with Evpatoria, Frunze, Inkerman, and Sevastopol, a road that lacked significant geographic landmarks.
The two main regiments of the 79th Division led the attack after all the divisional artillery was concentrated near the piers, at the head of the road that linked Chornomorske with Evpatoria, Frunze, Inkerman, and Sevastopol, a road that lacked significant geographic landmarks.
The two main regiments of the 79th Division led the attack after all the divisional artillery was concentrated near the piers, at the head of the road that linked Chornomorske with Evpatoria, Frunze, Inkerman, and Sevastopol, a road that lacked significant geographic landmarks.
The two main regiments of the 79th Division led the attack after all the divisional artillery was concentrated near the piers, at the head of the road that linked Chornomorske with Evpatoria, Frunze, Inkerman, and Sevastopol, a road that lacked significant geographic landmarks.
The third time he almost died was weeks later, during the attack on Sevastopol.
Two weeks later Reiter received the Iron Cross. A colonel presented it to him in the field hospital at Novoselivske.
The colonel shook Reiter’s hand, told him there had been outstanding reports on his actions in Chornomorske and Mykolaivka, and then left.
Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
The wound in his chest healed well and soon he was transferred from the Crimean peninsula to Krivoy Rog, in Ukraine, where there was a bigger hospital, and his throat was operated on again.
Moscow, Russia
The trip to Moscow was unforgettable.
Kostekino, near the Dnieper
And Ansky said Kostekino, near the Dnieper.
Warsaw, Poland
and he died fifty miles from Warsaw.
Siberia, Russia
The next three years he spent traveling. He was in Siberia
Norilsk, Russia
and at the lead mines of Norilsk
Tunguska Basin, Russia
and he crossed the Tunguska Basin escorting engineers
Omsk, Russia
engineers from Omsk who were looking for coal deposits
Yakutsk, Russia
and he was in Yakutsk
Lena River, Russia
and he traveled up the Lena to the Arctic Ocean
New Siberian Islands, Russia
to the New Siberian Islands where two of the engineers went mad
Okhotsk Sea, Russia
and then he was at the Okhotsk Sea with a supply detail
Vladivostok, Russia
and then he was in a hospital in Vladivostok
Amur, Russia
and then in Amur
Lake Baikal, Russia
and then he saw the shores of Lake Baikal
Irkutsk, Russia
and the city of Irkutsk
and finally he chased bandits in Kazakhstan
Moscow, Russia
He participated in the creation of magazines (in which none of his writing ever appeared) in Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Kiev, Rostov.
Leningrad, Russia
He participated in the creation of magazines (in which none of his writing ever appeared) in Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Kiev, Rostov.
Smolensk, Russia
He participated in the creation of magazines (in which none of his writing ever appeared) in Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Kiev, Rostov.
Kiev, Ukraine
He participated in the creation of magazines (in which none of his writing ever appeared) in Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Kiev, Rostov.
Rostov, Russia
He participated in the creation of magazines (in which none of his writing ever appeared) in Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Kiev, Rostov.
And who lived most of the time in the Crimea and whom Marya Zamyatina described as if he were Jesus Christ reincarnated.
New York, USA
When he goes to the window he gazes out in awe at the urban landscape of New York.
Kansas City
They find her in Kansas City.
In the next chapter, the boy is no longer a boy but a young man of twenty-five working at a Moscow newspaper where he has become the star reporter.
The trip, he is warned, is extremely difficult, and once he reaches Peking, the situation may be dangerous, since there are lots of people who don’t want any statement by the Chinese leader to get out.
New York
It tells him that if he closes his eyes he’ll see the streets of New York again, he’ll walk again toward the hypnotist’s house, where she sits waiting for him on a chair in the dark.
He spent his holidays in Yalta, along with other equally famous colleagues.
Moscow, Russia
he shut himself up in his Moscow room again and stacked up reams of paper
Siberia, Russia
a radio project meant to cover all of Europe and extend to the very edge of Siberia
University of Moscow
And Nadja Yurenieva saw Ansky and got up discreetly and left the hall where the bad Soviet poet... and she went out into the streets of Moscow, followed by Ansky...
Moscow, Russia
And Nadja Yurenieva saw Ansky and got up discreetly and left the hall where the bad Soviet poet... and she went out into the streets of Moscow, followed by Ansky...
Vitebsk, Belarus
Never before had Ansky better understood or delighted more in suprematism, Kazimir Malevich’s invention, nor the first tenet of Malevich’s declaration of independence signed in Vitebsk on November 5, 1920...
Gorky's burial
I met her at Gorky’s burial. She and two other thugs slung me out.
Kamchatka peninsula
perhaps because God was never lost on the Kamchatka peninsula, cold and hungry, as he was.
He talks about the drug addicts of Moscow.
He talks about Yuri Piatakov, assassinated in 1937, after the second Moscow Trial.
And he talks about his adventures in different houses in Moscow, with friends who presumably helped him.
The ashes of The Return from the Conference float not only over Paris, reads Reiter with tears in his eyes.
The ashes of The Return from the Conference float not only over Paris, reads Reiter with tears in his eyes, tears that sting and rouse him, but also over Moscow and Rome and Berlin.
The ashes of The Return from the Conference float not only over Paris, reads Reiter with tears in his eyes, tears that sting and rouse him, but also over Moscow and Rome and Berlin.
Place Vendôme
The monument to Napoleon in the Place Vendôme, the monument plain and simple in the Place Vendôme, the Vendôme column in the Place Vendôme.
In any case, the public office that Courbet held after the fall of Napoleon III made him responsible for the protection of the monuments of Paris.
Courbet left for Switzerland, where he died in 1877 at the age of fifty-eight.
What a nice pair we would’ve made in Borneo, writes Ansky with irony.
The occasion was an informal reception for a group of Soviet anthropologists who had just returned to Moscow.
Their language, however, wasn’t crude like that of the garbagemen of Moscow or Paris, nor were they big like them nor did they possess their muscular torsos nor did they have the gaze of those men, the gaze of dealers in shit, but rather they were short and fine boned, and they spoke in soft coos, like birds, and they did their best not to brush against the strangers and their conception of time had nothing to do with the Frenchmen’s conception of time.
Bornean coast
For many days, in the mountains and later at the bar in a town on the Bornean coast, the anthropologists racked their brains to explain what could have suddenly plunged a peaceful tribe into violence or terror.
One night he dreamed he was back in Crimea.
Kerch, Crimea
He was in Crimea. He was in Kerch.
Kuban River
He was on the banks of the Kuban and in the streets of Krasnodar.
Krasnodar, Russia
He was on the banks of the Kuban and in the streets of Krasnodar.
He traveled through the Caucasus to Budennovsk and he crossed the Kalmuk Steppe with his battalion.
Budennovsk, Russia
He traveled through the Caucasus to Budennovsk and he crossed the Kalmuk Steppe with his battalion.
Kalmuk Steppe
He traveled through the Caucasus to Budennovsk and he crossed the Kalmuk Steppe with his battalion.
Tuapse, Russia
In any case, Sergeant Lemke was gravely wounded as they tried vainly to fight their way through to Tuapse and he was replaced by Sergeant Bublitz.
Elista, Russia
Reiter’s division, which was part of the 17th Army now, not the 11th, retreated from Elista to Proletarskaya and then followed the Manych River up to Rostov.
Proletarskaya, Russia
Reiter’s division, which was part of the 17th Army now, not the 11th, retreated from Elista to Proletarskaya and then followed the Manych River up to Rostov.
Manych River
Reiter’s division, which was part of the 17th Army now, not the 11th, retreated from Elista to Proletarskaya and then followed the Manych River up to Rostov.
Rostov, Russia
Reiter’s division, which was part of the 17th Army now, not the 11th, retreated from Elista to Proletarskaya and then followed the Manych River up to Rostov.
Mius River
And then it kept retreating west, to the Mius River, where a new front line was established.
Baltic Sea
Sometimes he remembered the seaweed forests of the Baltic and smiled.
One day, without knowing how, Reiter found himself back in Kostekino.
One night, three days after he had come to Kostekino, he dreamed that the Russians had taken the village and to escape them he had plunged into the stream, Sweet Spring, and swum until he came to the Dnieper...
One night, three days after he had come to Kostekino, he dreamed that the Russians had taken the village and to escape them he had plunged into the stream, Sweet Spring, and swum until he came to the Dnieper...
Black Sea
One morning, at last, the Dnieper flowed into the Black Sea, where it ceased to exist or was transformed, and Reiter approached the shore of the river or the sea with shaky steps...
Several days later he found a column from his division and returned to the monotony of holding a bit of ground and retreating, until they were destroyed by the Soviets at the Bug, west of Pervomaysk...
In 1944, as they headed to Jassy with a Russian motorized brigade on their heels, Reiter and the other soldiers in his battalion saw a blue dust cloud rising toward the midday sky.
It was General Entrescu, the man who had slept with the Baroness Von Zumpe in the castle in the Carpathians and whom he and Wilke had spied on from the secret passageway.
They were sending me a trainload of Greek Jews.
I phoned a friend, who put me in touch with a man who ran a camp for Jews near Chelmno.
I addressed the matter of a shipment of potatoes that had gotten lost somewhere between the region under my oversight and the city of Leipzig, which was its final destination.
Cologne, Germany
Before he began working at the bar Reiter had slept with other girls, at the Cologne or Solingen train stations or in Remscheid or Wuppertal, factory workers and peasants who liked it when men (so long as they looked healthy) came in their mouths.
Solingen, Germany
Before he began working at the bar Reiter had slept with other girls, at the Cologne or Solingen train stations or in Remscheid or Wuppertal, factory workers and peasants who liked it when men (so long as they looked healthy) came in their mouths.
Remscheid, Germany
Before he began working at the bar Reiter had slept with other girls, at the Cologne or Solingen train stations or in Remscheid or Wuppertal, factory workers and peasants who liked it when men (so long as they looked healthy) came in their mouths.
Wuppertal, Germany
Before he began working at the bar Reiter had slept with other girls, at the Cologne or Solingen train stations or in Remscheid or Wuppertal, factory workers and peasants who liked it when men (so long as they looked healthy) came in their mouths.
One day Reiter told them that the most interesting part of Cologne was the garret where they lived, and Ingeborg’s sisters laughed.
a number of psychiatrists and neurologists had visited her sister in Berlin and the general diagnosis was insanity.
about the seas of Prussia and the rivers of Russia and the benevolent monsters that dwell in the deep waters off the Crimean coast
about the seas of Prussia and the rivers of Russia and the benevolent monsters that dwell in the deep waters off the Crimean coast
Crimean coast
about the seas of Prussia and the rivers of Russia and the benevolent monsters that dwell in the deep waters off the Crimean coast
Ingeborg’s mother and sisters decided to return to the town in the Westerwald where the family had settled
His military record included participation in various battles in different theaters of operations, especially in Italy and Normandy.
His military record included participation in various battles in different theaters of operations, especially in Italy and Normandy.
There are many, so many they blacken the sky, but their targets are surely in some industrial region of Germany.
Upon insisting, Archimboldi got the address of Bittner’s new office, on the outskirts of Cologne.
The paratroopers informed him that Mickey Bittner was in Antwerp just then closing a deal on a shipment of bananas.
Hamburg, Germany
When Bubis returned to Hamburg, in September 1945, Mrs. Gottlieb was living in the direst poverty, and Bubis, who by then had lost his wife, brought her to live with him.
London, England
That was a happy night for Mr. Bubis and Mrs. Gottlieb, although supper ended with the story of Mr. Bubis’s exile and Mrs. Bubis’s death, and with a flood of tears for Mrs. Bubis’s lonely grave in London’s Jewish cemetery.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mrs. Marianne Gottlieb, Bubis’s most faithful employee, to the extent, or so it was said, that she had driven the car that carried the publisher and his wife to the Dutch border, from where they had continued on to Amsterdam after the car was searched by the border police, who didn’t find anything.
New York, United States
Similarly, when Tacitus talked about relinquishing Italy, Bubis thought about the United States, New York in particular, where he had received several highly respectable offers of work at publishing houses in the Big Apple.
and when Tacitus mentioned Asia and Africa, Bubis was put in mind of the emerging state of Israel, where he was sure there were all sorts of things he could do, in the publishing field, of course, not to mention that it was home to many of his old friends, whom he would have liked to see again.
And yet he had chosen Germany, cheerless to every beholder and cultivator.
Hamburg, Germany
Germany was home to his publishing house or to the idea he had of a publishing house, a German publishing house, a publishing house with its headquarters in Hamburg.
Iserlohn, Germany
until at last Mr. Bubis rose and shook hands with the elderly owner of, say, Iserlohn.
Bochum, Germany
and then went off to Bochum, to visit the elderly owner of Bochum.
Mannheim, Germany
Mr. Bubis was in Mannheim, in the American zone, when he met a young refugee.
Hamburg, Germany
At the publishing house’s opening ceremony, with all of Hamburg’s officials and artists and politicians invited.
Hamburg, Germany
When Archimboldi arrived in Hamburg, the publishing house hadn’t yet attained the high level that Mr. Bubis had set as a second goal.
Cologne, Germany
“I’m not going to any hotel,” said Archimboldi, “I’m going back to Cologne. Please let me have my manuscript.”
Hamburg, Germany
Some of the streets of Hamburg, Archimboldi could see as they walked, were in a worse state than the most devastated streets of Cologne, although in Hamburg he had the impression that the reconstruction efforts were more in earnest.
they told each other some of the things that had happened since their last meeting in the Carpathians.
Without going into detail, Archimboldi told her about the war, about Crimea, about the Kuban and the great rivers of the Soviet Union, about the winters and the months he spent unable to speak, and somehow, obliquely, he conjured up Ansky, though he never mentioned his name.
Kuban, Soviet Union
Without going into detail, Archimboldi told her about the war, about Crimea, about the Kuban and the great rivers of the Soviet Union, about the winters and the months he spent unable to speak, and somehow, obliquely, he conjured up Ansky, though he never mentioned his name.
The baroness, meanwhile, as if to counterbalance Archimboldi’s forced travels, told him about her own journeys, all planned and desired and therefore happy, exotic trips to Bulgaria and Turkey and Montenegro and receptions at the German embassies of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and she confessed that sometimes she tried to repent of the good times she’d had, but no matter how strongly she rejected her hedonistic behavior on an intellectual or perhaps more accurately a moral level, the truth was that when she thought back on those days she still felt a shiver of pleasure.
The baroness, meanwhile, as if to counterbalance Archimboldi’s forced travels, told him about her own journeys, all planned and desired and therefore happy, exotic trips to Bulgaria and Turkey and Montenegro and receptions at the German embassies of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and she confessed that sometimes she tried to repent of the good times she’d had, but no matter how strongly she rejected her hedonistic behavior on an intellectual or perhaps more accurately a moral level, the truth was that when she thought back on those days she still felt a shiver of pleasure.
The baroness, meanwhile, as if to counterbalance Archimboldi’s forced travels, told him about her own journeys, all planned and desired and therefore happy, exotic trips to Bulgaria and Turkey and Montenegro and receptions at the German embassies of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and she confessed that sometimes she tried to repent of the good times she’d had, but no matter how strongly she rejected her hedonistic behavior on an intellectual or perhaps more accurately a moral level, the truth was that when she thought back on those days she still felt a shiver of pleasure.
The baroness, meanwhile, as if to counterbalance Archimboldi’s forced travels, told him about her own journeys, all planned and desired and therefore happy, exotic trips to Bulgaria and Turkey and Montenegro and receptions at the German embassies of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and she confessed that sometimes she tried to repent of the good times she’d had, but no matter how strongly she rejected her hedonistic behavior on an intellectual or perhaps more accurately a moral level, the truth was that when she thought back on those days she still felt a shiver of pleasure.
The baroness, meanwhile, as if to counterbalance Archimboldi’s forced travels, told him about her own journeys, all planned and desired and therefore happy, exotic trips to Bulgaria and Turkey and Montenegro and receptions at the German embassies of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and she confessed that sometimes she tried to repent of the good times she’d had, but no matter how strongly she rejected her hedonistic behavior on an intellectual or perhaps more accurately a moral level, the truth was that when she thought back on those days she still felt a shiver of pleasure.
The baroness, meanwhile, as if to counterbalance Archimboldi’s forced travels, told him about her own journeys, all planned and desired and therefore happy, exotic trips to Bulgaria and Turkey and Montenegro and receptions at the German embassies of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and she confessed that sometimes she tried to repent of the good times she’d had, but no matter how strongly she rejected her hedonistic behavior on an intellectual or perhaps more accurately a moral level, the truth was that when she thought back on those days she still felt a shiver of pleasure.
Hamburg, Germany
In all, he spent three days in Hamburg.
Cologne, Germany
So after three very instructive days, Archimboldi returned to Cologne on the night train.
Cologne, Germany
The Cologne Cultural Center paid him for two public readings in two different city bookshops, whose owners, it must be said, knew Mr. Bubis personally.
Oldenburg, Germany
In collaboration with the recently established and somewhat muddled cultural councils of Lower Saxony, the Cologne Cultural Center also organized a series of lectures and readings that began with some pomp and circumstance in Oldenburg.
Frisia, Germany
The tour ended in the fishing hamlets of Frisia, where Archimboldi unexpectedly found the largest crowds, and where very few people left before an event was over.
Frankfurt, Germany
On the contrary, around this time Bubis had to travel to Frankfurt, and while he was there he made a day trip to Mainz to visit the literary critic Lothar Junge.
Mainz, Germany
On the contrary, around this time Bubis had to travel to Frankfurt, and while he was there he made a day trip to Mainz to visit the literary critic Lothar Junge.
Paris, France
In Paris, answered the baroness, and that was the last time the writer’s wife spoke.
Heidelberg, Germany
he dressed in the fashion of the professors of Heidelberg, who never removed their ties except in situations of true intimacy.
Mainz, Germany
Then a young writer from Mainz arrived with his wife, followed by another literary critic from the same paper in Frankfurt where Junge’s reviews were published.
Frankfurt, Germany
Then a young writer from Mainz arrived with his wife, followed by another literary critic from the same paper in Frankfurt where Junge’s reviews were published.
Munich, Germany
Then they went on to discuss the new authors who were being published by Bubis and Bubis’s colleagues in Munich and Cologne and Frankfurt and Berlin, as well as the publishing houses firmly established in Zurich or Bern and those resurfacing in Vienna.
Cologne, Germany
Then they went on to discuss the new authors who were being published by Bubis and Bubis’s colleagues in Munich and Cologne and Frankfurt and Berlin, as well as the publishing houses firmly established in Zurich or Bern and those resurfacing in Vienna.
Berlin, Germany
Then they went on to discuss the new authors who were being published by Bubis and Bubis’s colleagues in Munich and Cologne and Frankfurt and Berlin, as well as the publishing houses firmly established in Zurich or Bern and those resurfacing in Vienna.
Zurich, Switzerland
Then they went on to discuss the new authors who were being published by Bubis and Bubis’s colleagues in Munich and Cologne and Frankfurt and Berlin, as well as the publishing houses firmly established in Zurich or Bern and those resurfacing in Vienna.
Bern, Switzerland
Then they went on to discuss the new authors who were being published by Bubis and Bubis’s colleagues in Munich and Cologne and Frankfurt and Berlin, as well as the publishing houses firmly established in Zurich or Bern and those resurfacing in Vienna.
Vienna, Austria
Then they went on to discuss the new authors who were being published by Bubis and Bubis’s colleagues in Munich and Cologne and Frankfurt and Berlin, as well as the publishing houses firmly established in Zurich or Bern and those resurfacing in Vienna.
Corinth, Greece
founder of the city of Ephyra, which is the old name for Corinth
Frankfurt, Germany
just before they went to bed at their hotel in Frankfurt
Kempten, Bavaria, Germany
With the money obtained for Rivers of Europe, Archimboldi, on the instructions of the specialist, moved them to Kempten, a town in the Bavarian Alps, where the cold, dry climate would help to cure Ingeborg.
Kempten, Germany
Eight months after their first stay in Kempten, Ingeborg and Archimboldi returned, but this time the town didn’t seem as pretty as it had before, so after two days, by which time both were on edge, they left in a cart headed to a village up the mountain.
The sky was full of stars, many more than could be seen at night in Kempten, and many, many more than it was possible to see on the clearest night in Cologne.
The sky was full of stars, many more than could be seen at night in Kempten, and many, many more than it was possible to see on the clearest night in Cologne.
Kempten, Germany
Shortly afterward a police car passed and three hours later the ambulance came by on its way down to Kempten with its load of bodies.
Berlin, Germany
According to her, they envied her for being from Berlin.
Cologne, Germany
When they left the hospital they returned to Cologne by train.
First they were in Austria and then Switzerland and from Switzerland they moved on to Italy.
First they were in Austria and then Switzerland and from Switzerland they moved on to Italy.
First they were in Austria and then Switzerland and from Switzerland they moved on to Italy.
Venice, Italy
They visited Venice and Milan, like a couple of vagabonds.
Milan, Italy
They visited Venice and Milan, like a couple of vagabonds.
Verona, Italy
And since there wasn’t much else to see in Verona, they traveled to Brescia and Padua and Vicenza.
Brescia, Italy
And since there wasn’t much else to see in Verona, they traveled to Brescia and Padua and Vicenza.
Padua, Italy
And since there wasn’t much else to see in Verona, they traveled to Brescia and Padua and Vicenza.
Vicenza, Italy
And since there wasn’t much else to see in Verona, they traveled to Brescia and Padua and Vicenza.
Mantua, Italy
and then they were in Mantua and Bologna and they spent three days in Pisa making love like mad.
Bologna, Italy
and then they were in Mantua and Bologna and they spent three days in Pisa making love like mad.
Pisa, Italy
and then they were in Mantua and Bologna and they spent three days in Pisa making love like mad.
Cecina, Italy
and they swam in Cecina and Piombino, across from the island of Elba.
Piombino, Italy
and they swam in Cecina and Piombino, across from the island of Elba.
Elba, Italy
and they swam in Cecina and Piombino, across from the island of Elba.
Florence, Italy
and then they visited Florence and made their way to Rome.
Rome, Italy
The beginning of September found them in Rome, both dressed in shorts.
Senigallia, Italy
Or that was how the baroness described it to her husband in a long letter written from a castle in Senigallia.
Florence, Italy
Soon, however, they drifted toward Florence and from there, walking or hitchhiking, they headed to the Adriatic.
Milan, Italy
By then, the Baroness Von Zumpe was in Milan as the guest of some Milanese editors, and from a café bearing an uncanny resemblance to a Romanesque cathedral, she wrote a letter to Bubis.
Turin, Italy
and of some Turin editors she had just met, one old and very jovial who always referred to Bubis as his brother-in-arms.
Lake Garda, Italy
Sometimes they left Milan in a caravan of four or five cars and drove to a town on the shores of Lake Garda called Bardolino.
Desenzano, Italy
dawn often found them all, tired and happy, dancing at some trattoria in Desenzano.
Venice, Italy
The package had been sent from Venice, where Archimboldi, or so he said in a short letter enclosed with the manuscript, had been working as a gardener.
Cannaregio, Venice, Italy
He gave an address in Cannaregio and signed off with the usual pleasantries.
Venice, Italy
So it was the baroness who appeared one morning in Venice, accompanied by a rather younger Roman engineer.
Calle Turlona, Cannaregio, Venice, Italy
Archimboldi’s address was on Calle Turlona in Cannaregio, and the baroness guessed correctly that the street couldn’t be too far from the train station, or perhaps from the church of the Madonna dell’Orto, where Tintoretto had worked all his life.
San Zaccaria, Venice, Italy
So she got on a vaporetto at San Zaccaria and let herself be carried along the Grand Canal, lost in thought, and then she got off in front of the station, asked for directions, and set out on foot...
Grand Canal, Venice, Italy
So she got on a vaporetto at San Zaccaria and let herself be carried along the Grand Canal, lost in thought, and then she got off in front of the station, asked for directions, and set out on foot...
Lista di Spagna, Venice, Italy
...thought the baroness as she walked along the Lista di Spagna to the Campo San Geremia and then crossed over the Ponte Guglie and went down some steps to the Fondamenta Pescaria...
Campo San Geremia, Venice, Italy
...thought the baroness as she walked along the Lista di Spagna to the Campo San Geremia and then crossed over the Ponte Guglie and went down some steps to the Fondamenta Pescaria...
Ponte Guglie, Venice, Italy
...thought the baroness as she walked along the Lista di Spagna to the Campo San Geremia and then crossed over the Ponte Guglie and went down some steps to the Fondamenta Pescaria...
Fondamenta Pescaria, Venice, Italy
...thought the baroness as she walked along the Lista di Spagna to the Campo San Geremia and then crossed over the Ponte Guglie and went down some steps to the Fondamenta Pescaria...
Calle Ghetto Vecchio, Venice, Italy
But did Archimboldi really soliloquize to himself? the baroness wondered as she turned down Calle Ghetto Vecchio, or was he addressing someone else?
Campo Ghetto Nuovo, Venice, Italy
...as she walked through the Campo Ghetto Nuovo and then crossed the bridge to the Fondamenta degli Ormesini, and turned left onto Calle Turlona...
Fondamenta degli Ormesini, Venice, Italy
...as she walked through the Campo Ghetto Nuovo and then crossed the bridge to the Fondamenta degli Ormesini, and turned left onto Calle Turlona...
Rio della Sensa, Venice, Italy
The only window was in the room that served as dining room and kitchen, and it looked onto a canal that flowed into the Rio della Sensa.
Danieli, Venice, Italy
...because that night the baroness didn’t return to the Danieli, to the distress of her engineer, who had read novels about mysterious disappearances in Venice...
Berlin, Germany
...and then for no reason she remembered that in the Berlin of her adolescence some people, especially servant girls from the country, called the pederasts succubi...
Hamburg, Germany
...and it was also the last time he saw the baroness, at least in Hamburg.
Hamburg, Germany
Swiss, why on earth he lived in Hamburg no one knew, and the baroness came out of her office and so did the head of publicity.
Paris, France
many of them collected in a book published long ago in Paris and fittingly titled Le Musée des erreurs.
Venice, Italy
At the time, Archimboldi still lived in Venice, as far as Bubis knew
Icaria, Greece
The next manuscript, however, arrived from a Greek island, the island of Icaria
Missolonghi, Greece
After he moved back to the Continent, he was reading a German paper on a terrace in Missolonghi
Hamburg, Germany
Thanatos had come to Hamburg, a city he knew like the palm of his hand
Alster, Germany
His body was burned and his ashes were scattered over the waters of the Alster.
Missolonghi, Greece
Archimboldi read the whole story again and then a third time and then he got up shaking and went for a walk around Missolonghi, which was full of memorials to Byron.
Milan, Italy
She gave it to the copy editor and told her to prepare it for publication in three months. Then she sent a telegram to the return address on the envelope in which the manuscript had arrived and the next day she was on a plane to Milan.
Venice, Italy
From the airport she made it to the station just in time to catch a train to Venice. That evening, in a trattoria in Cannaregio, she saw Archimboldi and gave him a check for the advance on his new novel and the royalties generated by his previous books.
Paris, France
Popescu had immigrated to France after the war. In Paris he frequented Romanian exile circles, associating especially with those intellectuals who for one reason or another lived on the Left Bank of the Seine.
Seine, France
you’d better throw this one in the Seine. And make sure he stays in!
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
he traveled with his wife to Tegucigalpa, a city that to Popescu, an admirer of contrasts and the bizarre, seemed divided into three clearly distinct groups or clans
Paris, France
Death surprised him in a Paris hospital, asleep on a bed of roses.
Paderborn, Germany
who was doing very well repairing vehicles for the occupation troops and trucks for the farmers and factory owners of Paderborn.
Duisburg, Germany
an engineer named Heinrich who lived in a boardinghouse downtown, because his real home was in Duisburg, the site of the factory’s main plant.
Rhine, Germany
They spent their honeymoon in a small spa on the banks of the Rhine and then they each returned to their respective jobs and life went on exactly as it had before.
Paris, France
That summer Lotte and Werner spent a week in Paris.
Lake Constanza
And for Christmas they went to Lake Constanza with Lotte’s mother, because Lotte loved to travel.
Paderborn, Germany
Back in Paderborn, too, something new happened; for the first time they talked about the possibility of having a baby.
Cologne, Germany
On the way home Lotte asked to drive through Cologne and they went looking for the only address she had for her brother.
Before the baby was born they bought a car and for more than a week they vacationed in the south of France and in Spain and Portugal.
Before the baby was born they bought a car and for more than a week they vacationed in the south of France and in Spain and Portugal.
Munich, Germany
One day Klaus decided that Paderborn was too small for him and he left for Munich.
Kiel, Germany
After he’d worked at the shop for a few months he set sail from Kiel on a German ship whose final destination was New York.
New York, United States
After he’d worked at the shop for a few months he set sail from Kiel on a German ship whose final destination was New York.
Paderborn, Germany
When he left Paderborn, Lotte wept: her son was very tall and hardly fragile looking, but still she wept because she had a feeling he wouldn’t be happy on the new continent.
Macon, Georgia, United States
The return address was Macon, Georgia, and Lotte and Werner each wrote a letter full of questions about his health, his finances, his future plans, which Klaus never answered.
Alaska, United States
“Knowing Klaus,” said Werner, “I wouldn’t be surprised if he was living in Alaska by now.”
Nile River, Egypt
They took a cruise on the Nile, they visited Jerusalem, they drove a rental car around the south of Spain, they saw Florence and Rome and Venice.
Jerusalem, Israel
They took a cruise on the Nile, they visited Jerusalem, they drove a rental car around the south of Spain, they saw Florence and Rome and Venice.
South of Spain
They took a cruise on the Nile, they visited Jerusalem, they drove a rental car around the south of Spain, they saw Florence and Rome and Venice.
Florence, Italy
They took a cruise on the Nile, they visited Jerusalem, they drove a rental car around the south of Spain, they saw Florence and Rome and Venice.
Rome, Italy
They took a cruise on the Nile, they visited Jerusalem, they drove a rental car around the south of Spain, they saw Florence and Rome and Venice.
Venice, Italy
They took a cruise on the Nile, they visited Jerusalem, they drove a rental car around the south of Spain, they saw Florence and Rome and Venice.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
They visited one in Atlanta and explained their problem. Werner spoke some English and the detective, a former Atlanta cop, wasn’t shy.
On her vacations, never longer than a week or a week and a half, she sought the warmth of Italy or Spain and sunned herself on the beach or read bestsellers.
On her vacations, never longer than a week or a week and a half, she sought the warmth of Italy or Spain and sunned herself on the beach or read bestsellers.
Santa Teresa, Mexico
In 1995 she received a telegram from Mexico, from a place called Santa Teresa, in which she was informed that Klaus was in prison.
Prussian village
she realized that she was a girl again, a girl who lived in a Prussian village between the forest and the sea.
Los Angeles
Four days later they were on a plane to Los Angeles, where they caught a connecting flight to Tucson, and from Tucson they drove to Santa Teresa in a rental car.
Four days later they were on a plane to Los Angeles, where they caught a connecting flight to Tucson, and from Tucson they drove to Santa Teresa in a rental car.
Santa Teresa
In Santa Teresa, on the lawyer’s recommendation, they stayed at the best hotel in the city, Las Dunas, although in Santa Teresa there were no dunes of any kind, as Ingrid informed Lotte, whether nearby or fifty miles around.
One morning they went to Tijuana, to the German consulate.
Back in Germany she was suddenly aware that the trip had tired her much more than she’d realized.
Frankfurt, Germany
While she waited at the Frankfurt airport for the flight to L.A., she went into a bookshop and bought a book and a few magazines.
Tucson, USA
In Tucson the lawyer was waiting for her and on the way to Santa Teresa they talked about the case, which according to the lawyer was in a deadlock and had been for a long time.
Hamburg, Germany
That night, while Lotte was at the hotel drinking orange juice and eating biscuits and watching late-night Mexican TV, she made a longdistance phone call to the Bubis offices in Hamburg.
Paderborn, Germany
“I live in Germany, meine frau, in Paderborn, and I own an auto repair shop and a few properties.”
In Mexico Lotte sat for a while longer with the phone pressed to her ear.
One night, three months after she had returned to Germany, Archimboldi appeared.
Santa Teresa
Lotte talked about Klaus and the killings of women in Santa Teresa.
When Archimboldi left his sister, he went on to Hamburg, where he planned to catch a direct flight to Mexico.
the family castle, located near Görlitz, as you’re likely aware.